Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide

Allyn Root was interviewed on the Coffee and Markets podcast today.  This is some of what he had to say about his new book . . .

The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide
By Allyn Root

Here are 4 of 18 steps you must take now:

1.     Move out of states that have income taxes to states with no state income taxes such as Nevada, Texas.   You will save a fortune each year by not paying the outrageous taxes in California, New York, New Jersey, and other states that continue to raise taxes on their residents.

2.     If you are wealthy, consider moving to another country and renouncing your US citizenship.

3.     Buy gold which protects against the hyper-inflation that the US will experience over the next years.

4.     Get a large portion of your money out of US stocks and invest in ETFs that invest in these countries: China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Brazil, and Switzerland.   The stocks in those countries will do much better than US stocks.    The US market will have a dramatic drop down to depression levels soon, and your money in US stocks will be devastated.   Use ETFs to invest in specific countries. 

Own medical stocks and medical buildings.
Buy a farm and grow food as there will be food shortages.

Will the US economy collapse?   Maybe not, but there will be a long-term decline because of what Obama is doing to the economy with billions of dollars printed monthly and the hyper-inflation that will result.   Obama is counting on economic collapse and being able to leverage that fear to convince people to keep Democrats in office in a belief that government will take care of them with government programs when most people are out of a job in a depression economy.

The USA will be devastated sometime in 2014 due to the economy and government programs such as Obamacare.  

In the November 2014 mid-term elections, Republicans will keep the US House and take the US Senate as a reaction to Obama’s policies.   A Republican will be elected president in 2016.  However, there will be tremendous turmoil and shortages before that happens.  

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