Sunday, July 21, 2013

Obama's 2014 Election Strategy: Us versus Them

Why The Obama Administration Needs A Race-Baiting Campaign in 2014
Democrats need 2014 to be an us-versus-them election.

Tactic 1 - It’s us against those evil racist bigots on the other side (i.e., all bigots are Republicans):
Eric Holder is prosecuting George Zimmerman in the court of public opinion.  Holder is quite deliberately stoking resentment in the black community.  Democrats and their liberal allies in the news media are portraying Zimmerman as a white man, and all white men are bigots who oppress us downtrodden minorities. 

Tactic 2 – It’s us against those who want to take health care away from the poor (i.e., Republicans).
Last week, the United States secretary of health and human services loathsomely injected race into the debate over Obamacare. Toward the conclusion of this week’s NAACP grievance fest, Kathleen Sebelius took the podium to demagogue Obamacare opponents. The fight against them, she inveighed, is reminiscent of “the fight against lynching and the fight for desegregation.”  Really, she actually said that.

Tactic 3 – It’s us against the privileged white people (i.e., Republicans)
Obama gives a speech portraying himself as Trayvon Martin – poor defenseless blacks against those racist Republicans who are privileged and won’t help us.

Bear in mind that these episodes are not unrelated. They are coordinated.   Democrats know they are in big trouble next year as the elections approach.  They know their policies are not working and voters are turning against them because of the Democrat’s incompetence.   They need to rally their troops in a struggle against their enemies with an appeal to fight against the rich, evil, white, old, racist, homophobic, anti-immigrant men who are oppressing them. 

The second thing to bear in mind is that race-baiting is the last resort of scoundrels whose insipid policy claims cannot survive collision with real-world conditions.  They are about advancing a hard-left agenda through the community organizer’s crude bag of tricks — the extortion that Alinskyites euphemistically call “direct action.” It is what happens when social-justice prescriptions turn out to be unjust and unworkable.

Sebelius is not agitating because she actually believes there is some faint connection between Jim Crow and opposition to socialized medicine.  She knows that Obamacare is a huge failure which could cost them dearly in the elections next year.   What to do to forestall this?  Delay implementation for companies that are starting to lay off employees and reduce work hours for remaining employees.  Demonize the opposition as evil rich white men who want to take health care away from children and the poor. 

Obama realizes he won’t have any power left if Democrats are yoked to a smoldering Obamacare train wreck in advance of the 2014 midterms. So, he is struggling to keep it a looming train wreck past 2014.   It is, right now, a huge ball and chain around the ankle of a high-unemployment, no-growth economy.  

When your plans are failing and your side is about to lose the battle, you need to rally your troops with strong speeches that demonize your enemy and enrage your troops with hatred and righteous indignation against your enemy to ensure your troops don’t desert you by failing to show up at the ballot box.   

The administration cannot allow 2014 to be an election about their failed policies. It has to be an us-versus-them election, with the “us” enjoying the “animated by rage” advantage. What we saw from Holder and Sebelius and Obama this last week is the ugly start of a wickedly divisive enterprise that will dramatically increase in phony outrage next year.

The bloody shirt of racial politics is being waved in dutiful pursuit of the Left’s dream world of a socialist utopia where everyone has “free” health care.   It’s an us versus them world.

So, what will the Republicans do next year?   Will they stay timid in fear of being called racist bigots?   Will they continue to be intimidated by racial politics?
Will they staff on defense, or will they mount their own offense with righteous indignation to rally their troops who failed to show up and vote in the last election?

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