Wednesday, May 22, 2013

You Can't Be A Christian And A Democrat

From les-femmes - the truth blogspot . . .

Exodus Now: Calling on Christians to Leave the Democrat Party

"Check out E.W. Jackson's website Exodus Now calling on Christians to leave the Democrat party. Let's hope many listen and then work to make Republicans stay faithful to the principles articulated in the platform. Money issues are important, the economy matter, but finances are secondary to fundamental principles that begin with the defense of LIFE! Democrats are the party of death. They favor killing babies in the womb and babies born alive after abortion. They defend assisted suicide and see nothing wrong with starving and dehydrating people to death in passive euthanasia. They want an end to traditional marriage and elevate sexual deviance to a civil right. Their solution to poverty isn't to help people get out of it through work, but to make them ever more dependent on government giveaways funded by hard-working families being squeezed more and more by confiscatory taxes.

Take inventory of the damage done to Americans by liberal Democrat programs. Johnson's Great Society drove men, especially black men, out of the home and created an underclass dependent on Uncle Sugar Daddy. It increased out-of-wedlock births which, in turn, contributes to increasing violence since young men in fatherless homes often turn to gangs for their role models.

I suspect that single mom families can compensate for a missing dad, at least to a degree, by turning to churches. A church with a strong program for boys that includes male mentors, lots of fun and energetic activities, etc. can make a significant difference in a fatherless boy's life.  Government handouts a la Democrat policies never will.

Ask someone raised in a family on a limited income who had a strong father whether he felt deprived. My husband came from such a family. His dad was a machinist in a small business and his mom was a homemaker. They raised nine children. For the first 18-20 years they lived in a tiny three bedroom house with an itty bitty kitchen. When he was in high school my husband and his brother helped their dad build a larger house next door with four bedrooms. He grew up with a strong work ethic modeled by a dad who always had another project in the works that often involved the kids. Whether it was their huge garden or raising rabbits or buying a calf to raise for meat or his mom canning their produce - they worked and saw the results of their work. Add their strong Catholic faith and, all I can say as the recipient of his parents' example, is "What a great way to grow up!"

So I love E.W.'s message of strengthening America's values! May Virginia voters recognize the great opportunity we have in our Republican ticket and vote for Cuccinelli/Jackson/Obenshain come November!"

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