Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Source of Global Jihad

The Global Jihad Movement by Dr Sebastian Gorka (author of The Siege of Mecca)

We need to remember the historic perspectives of Global Jihad:

The start of Global Jihadism was not the 9/11/2001 Attacks.
It goes back to 1928 with the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
The Muslim Brotherhood doctrines are Restore the Caliphate, Death to Jews, Submission by Christians, and Global Sharia Law.

Remember 1979
- 500 young Muslim Brotherhood radicals seized Mecca. 
- Saudi troops (with French help) had to kill hundreds to retake this holiest site of Islam.
- That was a huge shock to the Muslim world and a dire threat to the existence of Saudi Arabia’s king/princes.
- Saudi Arabia was founded as a country (with British help) by Wahhabists who practice a strict form of Islam.
- Saudi Arabia’s king made a deal with the Wahhabist clerics to support their global Jihad if the clerics do not dethrone the king.
- Read the book “The Siege of Mecca”  which shows this history ignored in the West
- The importance lesson here is that Wahhabism must not occur on Saudi soil but can be exported from there and will be funded to keep the mad dogs away.
Remember the 1980s in Afghanistan
- War in Afghanistan against the Soviets was a case of Saudi Arabia exporting Wahabbism to Afghanistan.
- Remember that Bin Laden’s Father was a close friend of the King of Saudi Arabia.
- Bin Laden was a rich kid influenced by the doctrines of the Muslim Brotherhood and what happened in the siege of Mecca.
- Bin Laden was radicalized and took part in the war in Afghanistan against the infidel Russians.
- After the success against the Russians in Afghanistan (with help from the Americans), Bin Laden sought to expand the Global Jihad.
Remember 9/11/2001
- Why does the 9/11 Commission report redact 29 pages?   What is the big secret being kept from American citizens?
- Those 29 pages describe Saudi Arabia’s funding of those terrorists!
- Saudi Arabia was paying off the Jihadists in order to keep their own country free of such terrorist activity.
- However, the Jihadists could not be satisfied. 

Remember 2005/2006
- Recall the 2006 attempt to kill the Saudi Arabia ambassador to the USA and attempts to kill some of the Saudi Arabian princes.
- The Jihadists turned against their pay masters.
- Saudi Arabia’s princes started to realize that they are also now targets of the Wahhabists and must take actions against them.

Remember 2010
- A suicide bomber tried to kill Prince Mohammed of Saudi Arabia but ended up only killing himself.
- This was another shock to the princes that the Jihadists intend to overthrown their regime.
- As much as they hate the Jews, Saudi Arabia is drawing closer to Israel for mutual survival.

Remember 2013/2014
- After the USA leaves Iraq, a power vacuum exists that is filled by murderous Islamists of ISIS.
- ISIS is a ruthless version of the same Muslim Brotherhood.

- The country south of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, has been seized by Jihadists (with help from Iran).
- This is a perfect place to launch assaults into Saudi Arabia and overthrown the kingdom.
- After horrific atrocities committed by ISIS, President Obama invites Muslim Brotherhood members to the White House.
- The Obama Administration refuses to identify the problem as “Islamic Radicalism/Jihad” and tries to equate ancient Christian Crusades to modern Global Jihad.
- Muslim Brotherhood groups grow on USA college campuses and conduct anti-Semitic demonstrations.
- The Obama Administration allows Muslim Brotherhood members to review and censor training documents of the FBI and military considered anti-Islamic.
 - Under a weak and feckless USA President, the Global Jihad of the Muslim Brotherhood continues to grow globally.

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