“Our job is to
make media reform part of our broader struggle for democracy, social justice,
and, dare we say it, socialism.”
There is
NOTHING NEUTRAL about the Net Neutrality rules being imposed by the FCC vote
and ruling yesterday. While the ignorantly gullible and emoting public
gobbles up words the Oligarchs and Marxists use to sell it as ‘fairness’ and
‘cheaper’ – the actual architects and movers and shakers of the rules imposed
by the FCC and FEC yesterday had completely different motives. ‘Net
Neutrality’ is just a sell word – same as the “Affordable Care Act” was used to
push the complete takeover of the healthcare system via ObamaCare.
While we
already have learned everything we do on the Internet is spied on by the NSA,
catalogued and stored by the various Alphabets at Mordor On The Potomac, the
same generation that went berserk over learning GW Bush ordered incoming international
cell phone calls from overseas tapped – are jumping for joy over the FCC
takeover of the internet whose rules are STILL being kept secret as I write
this. In short – they are cheering the takeover, taxation and restriction
of their own playground. Once the consequences of yesterday hit them, and
broadband across the board slows to dial-up speed, who will they be directed to
hate for that? Will they demand Obama nationalize AT&T, Verizon and
Comcast? They certainly are not going to blame Obama or government. I
know – blame Republicans, probably talking points are already written for that.
Neutrality’ as a term is as Orwellian as anything we have ever heard
before. The operative word of what happened yesterday is not NEUTRALITY,
but NEUTRALIZE – as in to neutralize all non-‘progressive’ (i.e.:
Marxist/Fascist) ideas from the internet and media. Neutralize the
average American from internet access by fees, taxes and fines upon everything
they do on the internet. Neutralize Capitalism from the internet.
crazy? Those are the words of one of the main architects of the top
secret plans the Leftists strong armed the FCC to impose by fiat.
Consider it a Socialist-run purge of the internet. Their ultimate
goal is banning and restricting content and limiting communication that poses a
threat to the Ruling Class Tyrants in power and the various bogus agendas they
push. For now, it is about getting the media giants into the control of
government and micromanaging how the internet itself runs and what can be
charged for it so a ridiculous treasure-trove of untapped revenue can be
streamed into the greedy hands of government via taxes and fees for everything
that happens online. Imagine having to pay taxes, or a ‘digital postage
stamp’ on every e-mail you send and how much data you upload or download. The
requirement of a digital ID before you can get online. Those things are
coming, they were made possible yesterday. Today they set up the
bureaucracy and target revenue streams.
Tomorrow, it is
about silencing dissent.
Oppose the
Climate Change and Global Warming hoax? The net will be devoid of any
dissent. Anything that supports actual science instead of their agenda
will be scrubbed and removed.
Support a
political position or candidate that is not a Socialist/Marxist Ruling Class
Oligarch? That will fall under FEC campaign rules and the fees and fines
and reporting duties are so onerous and mind boggling – the IRS scandal that
targeted Conservative groups will seem like child’s play.
This people
have absolutely no clue or idea what happened to them yesterday as the velvet
coup marches on to impose the MarxoFascist ‘Utopia’ on a nation these evil
beings seek to punish and destroy.
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