Thursday, February 19, 2015

Senate Republicans are Gutless Wonders

Senate Democrats are filibustering a bill that would fund the Department of Homeland Security because it doesn’t include funding for Obama’s illegal amnesty order.

When they held the Senate majority, the Democrats did away with the filibuster rule and passed legislation with only 51 votes instead of the usual 60 votes.
They passed legislation with 51 votes and didn’t even allow Republicans to offer amendments.
The Democrats are ruthless.  The Democrats don’t mess around.  The Democrats aren’t afraid to use the “nuclear option” of suspending the filibuster rule.
The Democrats always get what they want even when they are in the minority.

Now, the Republicans are in the majority in the House and the Senate.
They announced that they would not use their “Power of the Purse” to stop funding Obama’s illegal activities.
They announced that they would not use their “Power of Impeachment” to charge Obama with criminal behavior that violates the US Constitution.
They announced that they would not us their “Power of the Majority” to pass legislation with 51 votes as the Democrats do when they are in charge.

The Republicans are gutless wonders.

The US Constitution doesn’t require the Senate to have 60 votes to pass legislation.  That is just a Senate custom that was destroyed by the Democrats last year.
We need a Republican Senate that will pass bills with 51 votes and send them to Obama and let him veto them and be the one who is “shutting down the government.”
Republican Senators should announce that they will suspend the filibuster rule for the last 2 years of Obama’s reign in an effort to combat his lawless activities.
However, they won’t do it because they are moral cowards who won’t fight against tyranny.

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