Saturday, October 6, 2012

1960s - 2010s

In the 1930s up to the 1960s .. 
when my father was a young man .. America was a country with certain problems .. like
racism .. that nevertheless had the moral foundation to overcome those problems sooner
or later.

Then the 1960s hit and things began to change. It was the transition decade when
America first saw Amerika begin to emerge. And since then .. the lights have turned up
on Amerika and faded on America.

The 1960’s saw the sexual revolution and contraception become and remain a norm.

The 1970’s saw abortion become and remain a norm.

The 1980’s saw the beginning of the breakdown of the family as widespread divorce
became and remained a norm.

The 1990’s saw the first major advancement of militant homosexuality become and
remain a norm.

The 2000’s and forward have seen the coming together of all these evils into one gigantic
force that the full weight of the government has now been thrown behind to encourage
and support in all its various forms.

And this evil behemoth has become sufficiently powerful to now directly challenge
religion in general and Catholicism most especially.

Michael Voris

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