Saturday, May 23, 2015

Welcome to Sweden

Welcome to Sweden – or what’s left of it!

Here’s what happens when politicians care more about illegal immigrants than their own citizens:

The most gruesome rape case in Sweden's history.
story concerns the case of a brutal assault on a mother of two in
December 2011, for which eight Afghans are now facing charges. The
assault took place in the Mariannelund Asylum Centre and was extended
over a seven-hour ordeal. According to the men, the victim was "a bad
woman, and a whore."

The woman went into shock while the rapes
were still underway, and has since been in a heavily traumatised state.
She is now subject to nightmares and panic attacks, and lives in a
psychiatric clinic. She is bound to a wheelchair due to damages to her
abdomen, and suffers from faecal incontinence. However, the woman has
sufficiently recovered to testify in the trial. She has demanded damages
of 1,250,000 Skr.

According to additional Swedish sources,
the main perpetrator Rafi Bahaduri had already committed four other
rapes in Sweden. He was recently convicted of the violent abuse and rape
of a young girl in 2008. Unfortunately, he "cannot be deported" due to
the fact that he came to Sweden in 2002 claiming to be less than fifteen
years of age.

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