Saturday, February 7, 2015

Obama's Strategy For The Middle East

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show:
President Obama is helping to build the Iranian Islamic caliphate while Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia look at us in disbelief. Obama, John Kerry, and leftist Democrat Jews in Congress are betraying us, putting party before country and surrendering to the enemy. At the National Prayer breakfast Obama condemned the entire Christian faith, yet when he speaks of Islam he walks on eggshells. He has no guiding principles except those in which he was indoctrinated; not a philosophy of liberty and progress, but of destruction.

Did you know:
Reports are coming out of Iran that Obama’s negotiators are begging for a deal with Iran.  The Iranians recently laughed as they reported that they have already gotten 80% of their demands from Obama’s team.   Obama has publically stated that he wants to allow Iran to be the dominant regional power in the Middle East in return for not assembling a nuclear weapon.  

This is why Obama does not want the USA anywhere in the Middle East.   He wants Iran to dominate the Middle East and control it.   Obama believes that the USA is an imperialist country that has too much influence in the world and must stop meddling in other countries.  

Iran is a Shiite Muslim country which is hated by the Sunni Muslim countries of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and half of Iraq.   Half of Iraq is now under Iranian control, and Obama will be content to let Iran take over all of Iraq.   This scares the hell out of Sunni Muslims.    If Shiite Iran gets nukes, then these Sunni Muslim countries will be forced to also get nukes as they know that the USA is no longer a reliable partner in the power struggle to contain Iran.

It will only be a matter of time before Iran breaks any agreements with the USA and goes ahead with nuclear weapons that can be used against Israel.   Israel will be forced to attack Iran to destroy such weapons that would be used to destroy Israel as clearly stated numerous times by Iranian leadership.   After destroying Israel, Iran can then turn to attack “The Great Satan” which is the USA.

Obama believes that Israel is the source of all problems in the Middle East.   He believes it needs to give away more land for peace.  This has been done in the past with no success.  Obama encourages Muslim outrage against Israel and the growing anti-Semitism in Europe and the USA.

Iranian forces crept into Iraq and killed hundreds of USA soldiers and Marines during the Iraq War.

Iranian forces are stationed in Cuba and Venezuela.   Their bases can be launching pads for assaults on the USA to include terrorists and eventually nuclear weapons.

Obama’s most trusted advisor is Valerie Jarrett.   She was born in Iran.  She runs the White House while Obama watches ESPN.  She is telling the negotiators to meet Iranian demands as she is desperate to obtain an agreement to enhance Obama’s legacy as the peace maker of the Middle East.

Expect Obama to soon announce that he has made an agreement with Iran that will bring “peace in our time” much as England’s failed leader Neville Chamberlain proclaimed when he signed an agreement with Nazis Germany in the 1930s.

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