Saturday, February 14, 2015

7 Goals of the ACLU

Despite proclaiming itself the nation’s “guardian of liberty,” the ACLU and its allies have been waging war against America and its core values for nearly a century. The attacks are deliberate and coordinated, and the danger is real. 

Attack #1: The ACLU vs. America … From the Beginning

The ACLU was founded in 1920 by Roger Baldwin, an
agnostic and socialist who admired communist leaders, including Joseph Stalin. 

Attack #2: The ACLU vs. Religious Freedom

The ACLU has succeeded in banning prayer and Bible reading from schools, prayer at graduations, and even voluntary pregame prayer at sporting events. 

Attack #3: The ACLU vs. Human Life

The ACLU helped open the floodgates of abortion in America, sentencing more than 57 million babies to death while still in their mothers’ wombs. 

Attack #4: The ACLU vs. Marriage

The ACLU has aggressively fought to impose same-sex marriage across America, and to intimidate into silence anyone who upholds biblical marriage. 

Attack #5: The ACLU vs. Parents

The ACLU fought to compel parents to allow their children to attend school classes and assemblies that promote cross-dressing or homosexual behavior. 

Attack #6: The ACLU vs. Children

The ACLU opposes virtually all efforts to shield children from pornography, and was even instrumental in striking down an Iowa law prohibiting convicted sex offenders from living near schools and daycare centers. 

Attack #7: The ACLU vs. Christmas

Every year, for fear of the ACLU, local government and school officials go to ridiculous lengths to censor Christmas…despite the fact that 96% of Americans of all faiths celebrate it. 

Enabled by God’s grace and your support, we are prevailing in hundreds of cases in state and federal courts. Your gifts have also played a role in 45 victories at the Supreme Court of the United States! 

But we can’t stop now, because the ACLU remains determined to push you and your religion out of the public square, and to force you to keep your beliefs to yourself! 

If we do nothing, things will only get worse. 

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