Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Most Revealing Speech Obama Has Ever Made

What an incredible few days it has been. Barack Obama has been trying everything in his campaign... pulling ideas from the same, tired leftwing playbook used in the past. He has called for higher taxes. He is using class warfare. He is using character attacks rather than hitting the issues. But with just one speech, Obama showed that he far surpasses left wing presidents of the past. By implying that no American can be successful without government "help," Obama showed that it's impossible for him to lead, because he has no clue what the American Dream is.

It will be interesting to see in the upcoming weeks what the media have to say about Obama and his actions. Yes, they are all firmly in his corner. Yes, they buy into the same "big government" mentality as he does. But Obama is so far out of touch, one would think even some of the "normal" leftists would catch on.

In a speech on Friday, Obama -- whether he intended to or not -- blasted small business owners and entrepreneurs by saying that if you were successful, "somebody else made that happen." Incredible. Incredibly stupid. Incredibly out of touch.

According to Obama, business owners are simply the beneficiaries of government. Government gave to them, so they should happily give back. Hello! WE... the people of America... give to government! Actually, government takes, and it takes PLENTY from us!

Please let your friends know about Obama's comments. To me, this is the MOST revealing speech Obama has ever made. From day one, he has used race as a tool to divide. From day one, he has made the "successful" person the target. But in this speech, Obama went beyond anything he has said in the past. According to him... if you are not reliant on government, you are the bad guy.

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