Sunday, July 29, 2012

Here’s Your Pro-Gun Story!

It is my opinion that had the people within the theater been men and women who were armed as they entered, one of three things would have happened: Holmes would have thought twice about pulling a stunt like this, he would have been killed within seconds of starting his shooting spree, or he would have never got off a shot as soon as he exposed his weapons.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. People are made vulnerable by intrusive gun control laws. The only gun control that is necessary is to be able to hit your target.

The Second Amendment is not to be messed with and yet state and federal government bureaucrats are constantly writing new laws against the rights and freedoms guaranteed by our Creator in the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment states:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The right of people to not only keep their arms, but to also bear them are rights that are not to be violated, transgressed or broken. With every new asinine gun control law that is written this is exactly what the government does. They leave in place the language of the Second Amendment, while at the same time writing laws that violate the Second Amendment and do you know what? It costs lives.

Liberals and some who claim to be conservative support all sorts of measures regarding guns. They think making laws will keep people safe. The only problem is that law abiding citizens are the only ones keeping those laws. Criminals don’t care. Furthermore, laws don’t stop people from committing crimes. They are just words on paper that say declare where the line in the sand is and criminals are more than willing to cross that line.

Why will conservatives not stand up at this time and point to the tragedies like what happened today, or the columbine shootings which took place not far from today’s tragedy and declare, “People need firearms to protect themselves from criminals like this, because a law doesn’t stop a criminal with a gun or many guns. The police don’t stop a criminal with a gun, but those who would be victims can survive if they are left to carry a weapon to defend themselves, their loved ones, strangers and property.”

Why won’t they do it? They are spineless, weak, limp-wristed sissys who are not upholding and defending the Constitution, but rather are looking out for themselves.

While I express my condolences to the families of all those who were lost today, much of this tragedy could have been averted if government would not infringe upon the rights of the people.

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