Saturday, September 24, 2011

Five Things Europeans Must Do To Save Their Nation States

On September 3, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom, addressed an electrified crowd of hundreds of supporters in Berlin.  Since 2004 he has gone from an underdog one-man-party to leading the 3rd-largest party in the Dutch parliament.  His words are an inspiration to Europeans, Americans, and all free peoples of the West who unapologetically resist Islamization and superstate big government such as the European Union.

Excerpts from his speech:

It is time to act. We must make haste. Time is running out for Germany, for the Netherlands, for all the other great nations of Europe. As Ronald Reagan said: “We need to act today, to preserve tomorrow”.   Here is a short summary of five things which we need to do in order to preserve our freedoms. 

First, we must defend freedom of speech. It is the most important of our liberties.

Second, we must end cultural relativism. Our Western culture is far superior to other cultures.

Third, we must stop Islamization. More Islam means less freedom. There is enough Islam in Europe already. Immigrants must assimilate and adapt to our values.

Fourth, we must restore the right to decide about our own money. We should not pay the debts of others. The survival of the Euro should not be used as an excuse to reward countries which have shown that they were not worthy to belong to the eurozone.

Fifth, we must restore the supremacy and sovereignty of the nation-state. Our nations are the legacy which our fathers bestowed on us and which we want to bestow on our children. We are the free men and women of the West. We are the true men and women of the West. We do not stand for a superstate. We each stand for our own country.

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