Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June 10: Why You Must Drink A Scotch Today

June 10:  Feast of St. Margaret of Scotland

She was an English princess who married King Malcolm III of Scotland (he also killed Macbeth).   She bore him 8 children and was a loving wife and mother.  She helped civilize her husband.  She was very devout and embroidered priest’s vestments and is said to have introduced tartans to Scotland. 

She also is said to have introduced the Grace Cup which is the tradition of having a drink after dinner but first offering this traditional prayer toast: “We give Thee thanks, Almighty God, for all Thy benefits, who livest and reignest foever and ever.  Amen.”

So, before dinner today, you should toast Saint Queen Margaret with your finest scotch.

After dinner, you should give thanks to Almighty God for all His benefits and then drink a Royal Scot using Vat 69 which was once an enormously popular blended scotch that is now considered one of the best bargain-basement whiskies on the market: 
1 ¾ oz. Vat 69 (or any blended scotch)
½ oz. Drambuie
¼ oz. grenadine
¼ az. Lemon juice
Shake with ice and strain into cocktail glass

Al old joke from the early 1900s was that “Vat 69” was the pope’s telephone number.

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