Sunday, March 2, 2014

The New Religion called "Gay Rights" Is Destroying Orthodox Christian Religions

This is an excerpt is from an insightful article about “the greatest deception of our modern era” and those who have fallen for it.   Russia can see what is beyond the gay rainbow.  Can you?
Meanwhile, In Russia by Pursuit of Truth
The New Religion
Anything that promotes the idea that we should self-identify and define ourselves according to our sexual attractions and or inclinations is a form of soft-coercion into a specific way of thinking. It is a unified objective across all sexual-minority advocacy groups, and thus one could loosely describe the movement to promote this way of thinking as a religion of its own.  This “New Religion” of this era does not permit (and is hostile towards) authentic Christianity – meaning it does not permit the idea that people should seek to find their identity first and foremost in Christ. It is a religion that is therefore counter to all Christianity, and if it takes root, it will destroy all orthodox Christian nations - whether they be Catholic or Orthodox. I hope and pray that the people of Russia and all other Christian nations take notice, as to prevent it from occurring in their own countries.
The Western World, The Brainwashed
Dear westernized world, are you not able to see that your value set has created a climate where people self-identify and define themselves first and foremost in terms of their sexual attractions and inclinations? Can you see how you are so fixated on sexuality even to the point that you are encouraging your own children to self-identify and define themselves in that way as well? My heart pours out for these people (I was one of them) for as our world ascribes reductionist labels and parameters on “who people are”, many of this generation will come to realize that there is no true freedom in anchoring our sense of self-concept on our sexual attractions and or inclinations.  
Many of this generation will come to reject this way of self-identifying and defining themselves – but for many it may only be after being consumed by a search for validation within those identity labels. The danger of this imminent situation is that along their prior trajectories of seeking to come to fruition within these types of identity labels, unchaste activity abounds – and is often perceived to be a necessary for it is in unchaste sexual activity by which one may experience validate of self within those types of identities. This of course is not only spiritually destructive but also physiologically destructive. This, is the story of my life, and it is shared by others like me, and we literally watch in horror how our world feeds our children into the same mouth of hell that we too lived with our own lives. The cycle continues, and all we can do is pray that it be used for a greater victory in God’s time.
Sadly, we have come to know that if the worldly political climate maintains its current trajectory, dissenters of the worldly ways will continue to be silenced. However, on a hopeful note, we see more and more people choosing to reject The New Religion. People (like us) are sick of being deceived and are now more and more motivated by our own conviction to truth to reject the rainbow flag ideology – to reject the ideology that promotes the idea that we should self-identify and define ourselves according to our attractions and or inclinations.  This quiet, yet mounting rejection is occurring, yet the mainstream media remains silent as they continue to strive to deceive the world into believing that people like us do not exist.
Under New Law
After Christianity is decimated and then shamed to even a greater degree, Sharia Law will come to prevail. At this point, when the critical mass (population) has reached a point where it is safe to impose this law without significant backlash, things will change. That is to say, this is a multi-generational economic forecast, based on the trends of today. At such a point in time, sexual-minority activism will have successfully done its job (destroying Christianity first and foremost by shaming Christian youth for being Christians), and will no longer serve a purpose to the new Islamic nations (today called “the western nations”).
With the dirty work of destroying Christianity “without lifting a sword” out of the way, the response that would be most advantageous to the Islamic faith and political system in that circumstance would be to impose Sharia Law onto those same groups that worked to destroy Christianity. However, those who refuse to submit to Sharia Law will suffer, as Sharia Law prescribes. Thus, at such a juncture, the sexual-minority advocacy groups will have been successfully utilized as an intergenerational means to destroy Christianity and give rise to Islam, after which point, they will be destroyed in accordance to Sharia Law.
Russia Stands Its Ground
Russia has not bought into The New Religion. However, in all places where this new religion has been embraced, Christianity has declined rapidly. Russia, being a bastion of Apostolic Orthodox Christianity, rejects this new religion and thus works to prevent this new religion from taking root. That is, it works to prevent pro sexual-minority advocacy propaganda from being spread in its country. Russia has it’s thumb on the pulse of this situation – they are not oblivious to the greater situation. They can see the fire burning down the forest… because they are not in the forest. And the people in the forest are chastising Russia for not being like them – for not being “forest people”, when it is the forest people’s homes and ways of living that are being reduced to ashes.  Simply put, Russia knows that if her children are swept away by this new religion, Christianity in Russia will suffer. The rest of the westernized world provides a compelling model that suggests that inevitable occurrence, should those groups take root.
Russia wishes to not advance sexual-minority advocacy group “propaganda”. Materials and methods geared to engineer a society to think in a particular way, is propaganda. Russia recognizes that sexual-minority advocacy group material and tactics are designed to transform the way people see the world, and thus Russia properly recognizes their efforts as a form propaganda. This propaganda is especially influential on youth who most often do not have the critical thinking capacity to recognize it for what it is. However, like spoiled children, sexual-minority advocacy groups and their supporters seem to throw tantrums anytime someone opposes them, with Russia being a prime example of this day. Russia is saying “No” to them (albeit in rather inhumane ways at times – which indeed is a resultant tragedy), while the whole of the westernized world seems to have become invested within the sexual-minority advocacy group message being propagated. If this were not true, then in the westernized world, inviting people to further examine the topic of homosexuality would not be met with angry resistance, but rather with open and appropriate dialogue.
The bottom line is that Russia is set on preserving their country from arguably the greatest deception of our modern era. This deception again is promoted by every sexual-minority advocacy group, and that is this: the movement that we should self-identify and define ourselves first and foremost according to our sexual attractions and or inclinations is a movement borne out of “love” and “self-honesty”, when in reality it is anchored in destroying Christianity and inhibiting the pursuit of greater truth.
Russia can see beyond the rainbow. Can you?  

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