Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Catholic Addiction to the Democratic Party

From . . .
Many Catholics in Chicago are addicted to the Democratic Party the same way a Hollywood actor may be addicted to heroin.  For some, this addiction is so strong that it may be said, to turn a phrase, that the Catholic Church in Chicago is the Democratic Party at prayer.
Consider the recent statement by Chicago's Francis Cardinal George.  Ellyn Fortino reports in Illinois Progress that "Cardinal George, the archbishop of Chicago, joined Former House Speaker Hastert in support of a pathway to citizenship. He also called on the federal government to halt deportations. 'We should end deportations because they break up families, and the family, not the individual, is the basic unit of our society,' George told reporters in remarks after the event, held at DePaul University."
Francis Cardinal George is not alone in his support for an end to deportation and for amnesty for illegal aliens.  Timothy Cardinal Dolan of New York holds a similar view.  Perhaps he too suffers from a Democratic Party addiction.
In a letter to Congress, Cardinal Dolan writes, "As we have communicated in the past, we urge you to pass in its final form immigration reform legislation that ... establishes a fair and achievable path to citizenship [amnesty] for the 11 million undocumented in the nation."
With all due respect, Cardinal Dolan writes this no doubt knowing that using Leviticus 19:34 to support amnesty for illegal aliens in the United States is to base a policy on a faulty translation.  The Hebrew world "lagur" means "to reside temporarily," "to sojourn," or "to stay for a time."  It does not mean that an invader must be allowed to stay indefinitely, or be granted citizenship.
Illegal is illegal
What is it the cardinals do not understand about "illegal" in the designation "illegal alien"?  Francis Cardinal George must know that it is not the immigration laws of the United States that break up families, but rather the actions of parents who violate those laws that cause the breakups.  An individual is at fault when someone comes to the United States illegally.  We do not blame the money in a bank for the crimes of a thief.
Furthermore, it is not "we" who have created the underclass they speak about, but the Democratic Party policies that further amnesty and support sanctuary cities.  Are Cardinals George and Dolan going to argue next that convicted drug dealers with children should not go to prison because a prison sentence will break up their families?  Or will they argue that if a car thief steals a car and keeps the car long enough, his children should be allowed to drive it?
We should also remind the cardinals that illegal aliens in the United States often do more than just break our immigration laws.  Many may be guilty of identity theft, tax evasion, driving without a license, and other crimes.  Members of the Catholic clergy should preach against all criminal activity, not encourage it or offer amnesty for it.
Illinois has an estimated illegal aliens population of about 525,000.  No doubt the number is higher.  An estimated half of those illegal aliens live in the Chicago area.  What would Cardinal George say if 250,00 Mexicans were to suddenly take up illegal residence in Vatican City and then demand free social services?
Why does the hierarchy of the Catholic Church want amnesty for illegal aliens if they know it is against biblical and theological principles?  David Gibson thinks it's money that motivates the Church's pro-illegal immigration policy.
He writes, "The coffers of U.S. Catholic churches have been running on empty and the church sees the pocketbooks of illegal immigrants as its only hope."  This accusation, if true, makes Church officials no better than the unscrupulous businessmen who exploit poor illegal aliens for their cheap labor.

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