Monday, December 31, 2012

Obama Praises Himself During Eulogy for Sen. Daniel Inouye

“Sen. Daniel Inouye was a War hero who spent his entire life serving his country. Yet, when President Barack Obama delivered his eulogy for Inouye at the National Cathedral in Washington DC, it seemed he was talking more about himself than about the late Senator. In his address, Obama used the word ‘me’ 12 times; ‘my’ 21 times and ‘I’ 30 times. All toll, in a speech of only 1,600 words, Obama managed to refer to himself 60 times.

I took speech class in high school and we had to prepare and deliver a eulogy. We were taught that a eulogy is a speech that praises the deceased person you are talking about. It’s not about you or anyone else. It’s about the dearly departed.

But just like his Thanksgiving Day address, or Veteran’s Day address or every other time the President has spoken lately, it’s all about him and how wonderful and great he is. Election season is over and he no longer needs to keep trying to sell himself to the nation.

If I was a member of the Inouye family, I would be irate and incensed about Obama’s self-centered eulogy. It was definitely inappropriate, unprofessional and uncaring. But what do you expect from our self-proclaimed tyrant?”

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