Saturday, May 28, 2016

About Laura

Do you know anyone named Laura?
Do you know the origin of the name?
Does this describe their personality?

Characteristics of Laura

Etymology & Historical Origin - Laura
Laura is the feminine version of the Late Latin male name “Laurus” meaning ‘laurel’ – which is a symbol of wisdom, honor and accomplishment. In fact, it was the leaves from laurel trees that were used to make the garlands worn by victors in the days of ancient Rome. The name was borne by a 9th century Spanish nun who was martyred as Saint Laura of Cordoba. During the occupation of the Iberian peninsula by the Moors (mainly Northern Africans, Arabs and Muslims), Laura was scalded to death for her Christian beliefs in a cauldron of boiling lead. Like many famous early saints, her name spread throughout Europe in medieval times. However, what really impacted the usage of the name Laura was the 14th century Italian poet Petrarch. Laura was the object of his desire and the reason he abandoned the priesthood. He haunted her in many sonnets. She apparently aroused all his passionate love which he was unable to reconcile with his religious expectations. Since Laura was a married woman, Petrarch’s love would remain unrequited. Therefore, Laura is often associated with a beautiful woman loved, but one who is out of reach.

Personality of the Girl Name Laura

The number Eight personality has everything to do with power, wealth and abundance. Somehow, this personality has been blessed on the material plane, but their authoritative and problem-solving traits provide evidence that their good fortunes are not just the luck of the lottery. They are well earned. This is the personality of CEOs and high-ranking military personnel. Eights are intensely active, hard-driving individuals. Success is only meaningful to them after a job well-done.  They are remarkable in their ability to see the larger picture right down to the smallest details, and organize a strategy around success. They then have the ability to direct a group around them toward any goal, and realize individual potential to get the most out of their team.

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