Saturday, June 27, 2015

Subjects not Citizens

The Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) ruled this week that you white people have “unconscious racism” and don’t have enough minorities in your communities.  So, groups may now sue based on population statistics instead of the previous standard of having to show personal injury.    Obama will now proceed with his plans to have HUD create low income housing in “wealthy communities” which means suburbs.  Of course, this will not apply to areas where Hillary lives or the Kennedy family lives, or where supreme court justices live.

Following Obama’s example, SCOTUS took legislative powers away from Congress and ruled this week that the letter of the law (exchanges created by the states) does not mean what it says.

Also following Obama’s example, SCOTUS took power away from the 50 states and ruled that the states no longer have the power to make laws about marriage, and that the federal government gets to define marriage and punishments for those who refuse to embrace and celebrate sodomy.  

So, you are no longer a citizen of your state but a mere subject of the federal government.

How much of this tyranny will President Trump be able to undo?

Sic Semper Tyrannus!

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