Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Obamacare: Huge Incentives To Not Work, Work Less, Make Less Money

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog
Obamacare: Providing Huge Incentives For Many Americans To Work Less And Make Less Money
Did you know that Obamacare is going to cause millions of Americans to want to keep their incomes under certain levels?
If you make too much money under Obamacare, you will miss out on some absolutely massive health care subsidies.  The following is an excerpt from one of my previous articles...
The figures that you are about to see were calculated using the Kaiser Family Foundation subsidy calculator.  These numbers apply to a husband and a wife that are both 62 years old.
A non-smoking, married couple living in San Francisco, California earning $63,000 a year will have to pay $20,318 a year for a silver plan under Obamacare and $12,647 a year for a bronze plan.
At $63,000, that couple would be making too much money to be eligible for a subsidy, so that couple will have to pay the total cost of whatever plan they choose by themselves.
But if that couple only made $62,000 a year, things would dramatically change.
The plans would still cost the same, but the couple would now be eligible for an Obamacare subsidy of $14,428.
So a silver plan would end up costing them only $5,890, and they would ultimately pay nothing for a bronze plan.
In other words, by reducing their income by $1,000, that couple would save $14,428 if they got a silver plan or they would save $12,647 if they got a bronze plan.
Isn’t that bizarre?
In the end, millions upon millions of middle class families will decide to go without health insurance entirely for one reason or another.
This will work great until they get into an accident or become seriously ill.
As I have discussed previously, approximately 60 percent of all personal bankruptcies in the United States are related to medical bills.  And most of those bankruptcies actually happen to people that are supposedly "covered" by health insurance.

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