Friday, August 2, 2013

What is Universalism?

What is Universalism?
    The heresy of universalism teaches that everybody will be saved by God’s mercy and love so we don’t have to preach repentance and salvation of souls or such a thing as heaven and hell. 

What is the Social Gospel?
    This is a watered down version of Christianity which avoids talk of sin and salvation, repentance and redemption. The cross and resurrection are studiously avoided to portray a compassionate Jesus who lived among the poor and whose chief ministry was healing the sick, preaching against the rich, criticizing the religious hypocrites. The “social gospellers” are all “liberals” who forsake the true message of the gospel in favor of soup kitchen Christianity. They are all for giving people bread, but not the bread of heaven. They are all for helping the poor have a better life, but not concerned about eternal life.
    The problem with those who promote the social gospel is not that they feed the poor, are activists for justice and are work for healing and reconciliation, but that they put these things before the primary message of the gospel which is the old, old story of a fallen humanity in need of forgiveness and a loving God who sends his own Son into enemy territory to seek and to save that which was lost. Those who follow a social gospel reduce the life and work of Jesus Christ to that of an inspired healer–a social worker and a pacifist activist. Usually their activism and concern for the poor is linked with a political ideology, a desire to make the world a better place and the heresy of universalism where will be saved by God’s mercy and love so we don’t have to preach repentance and salvation of souls or such a thing as heaven and hell.

From Standing On My Head

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