Thursday, August 15, 2013

What Difference Does It Make?

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Those are Hillary Clinton's words, not mine - her words when questioned after a U.S. Ambassador and three brave Americans were killed by terrorists.

Now the Clintons are preparing for their fourth White House campaign, and CNN and NBC are ready to help. And we're ready to stop them.

RNC Chairman Priebus is standing up to the networks and demanding that they abandon their pro-Hillary documentaries or the GOP will abandon them during the next round of Republican primary debates.

So I'm asking what difference can you make?

You can make a difference by joining Chairman Priebus in demanding that CNN and NBC abandon their pro-Hillary propaganda. Unless the networks agree to drop their documentaries, the RNC will move forward with a binding vote this Friday barring the GOP from partnering with CNN or NBC on Republican presidential primary debates.

Please sign our urgent petition to stop these pro-Hillary Clinton films today.

Thank you,

Mike Shields
RNC Chief of Staff

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