Saturday, October 6, 2012

A vote for Obama is a vote for Hell

So let’s bottom line this whole election.

The people voting for Obama .. including himself .. have no fear or concern of Hell .. and
in the majority of cases it’s because they either don’t believe in it .. think no human really
goes there .. or only the absolute worst of the worst like Hitler are ever damned.
And they are wrong all three counts.

If you call yourself a Christian .. especially a Catholic .. to deny Hell is to be heretic.
That it exists and humans do in fact go there comes directly out of the mouth of God
Himself .. numerous times.

In fact .. throughout the 2000 years of sacred history .. there is near unanimity among the
fathers, doctors and saints of the church who spoke on the matter .. that not only is there a
hell .. but the vast majority of humanity will be damned.

When such giants like St. Augustine and St. Thomas and many, many others are uttering
those warnings .. anyone who calls himself a follower of Christ ought to sit up and pay

Earlier this week .. the very brave and straight-forward bishop of Springfield Illinois ..
His Excellency Thomas Paprocki declared that voting for a supporter of intrinsic evil
places your immortal soul in jeopardy of damnation.

There is simply no way around this lunacy that has been allowed to fester in the Church
now for decades .. but which is finally at last being called out .. you cannot vote for
intrinsic evils and expect to get into heaven. END OF DISCUSSION.

To support candidates that vote for killing children .. to vote for candidates who use your
tax payer money to fund the killing .. to vote for candidates who support and advance
homosexual acts being defined as marriage .. candidates who support embryonic stem
cell research where more life is destroyed .. casting your vote in favor of such people can
end you up in hell.

Your vote will not only be recorded on November 6th, but in the annals of eternity as well.
You can take it to the bank.

It’s instructive what Bishop Paprocki has to say: "You need to think and pray very carefully
about your vote, because a vote for a candidate who promotes actions or behaviors
that are intrinsically evil and gravely sinful makes you morally complicit and places
the eternal salvation of your own soul in serious jeopardy."

The problem here is what Pope Benedict nailed just before he was elected Pope .. there is
a dictatorship or tyranny of relativism. The reason relativism rules the day is because by
definition .. there is no belief in absolute right or wrong .. and the reason for that is
because there is no belief in Hell or sin .. a final reckoning for all the miscarriages of
justice and lack of charity committed by individual humans.

There is no sin in their minds and of course by extension .. no Hell .. at least not what the
Son of God meant when he warned about it.

No one who seriously believes in God .. that Jesus Christ is God Almighty in human flesh
.. could entertain for the slightest instant the idea of voting for a supporter of child murder
and sodomy. And the reason is because we have our heads screwed on correctly and our
moral compasses pointed to heaven.

These acts are evil and they are individual actions that are committed against other
individuals. Not ethereal concepts like JUSTICE or POVERTY that need to be realized
in the tangible here and now.

Of course no one votes in favor of poverty .. but since poverty isn’t an actual deed it
doesn’t begin to measure up to the action of chopping a child up in the womb and
sucking out the remains with a vacuum cleaner. THAT is an action .. a deed and it is evil
to the core.

No amount of rationalizing and high faulting academic babble can change that. It is what
it is and it is most definitely child murder. And to vote for a candidate who supports this
unspeakable evil places that person squarely on the path to Hell.

Such a person becomes morally culpable in the killing because in our form of governance
.. the killing is brought into existence as a legal right by the people voted into office.

Hell and its tortures doesn’t bother Obama and his supporters in the least because they
don’t believe in it .. but as Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen once responded .. they
will when they get there.

They should consider themselves duly warned. Eternity is a LONG time.

GOD Love you,
I’m Michael Voris

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