Monday, April 9, 2012

Another Uncomfortable Truth About Liberals

Most liberals are extremely intolerant.  Liberals talk incessantly about tolerance and yet they lash out whenever anyone dares to present a view that doesn't toe the liberal line. Conservative college speakers usually need extra security because budding liberal fascists often try to shout them down or assault them. Liberals desperately try to censor talk radio, which they don't even listen to, because they can't stand the idea that someone else is allowed to have a contrary opinion. Why do you think liberals get so upset about a conservative-leaning news station like Fox News, when ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN all lean to the left? It's because liberals don't think people should be allowed to have an opinion that differs from their own.

Amazingly, if you listen to liberals, you'll find that they don't even understand what tolerance is in the first place. Actual tolerance means that you realize people have different practices and views and even if you don't agree, you understand that they should have the ability to live as they choose, just as you should have the leeway to live as you choose. On the other hand, liberals have a fascistic view of tolerance, which really isn't surprising since liberalism and fascism are merely different branches of the same tree. To liberals, tolerance is, by definition, whatever their opinion happens to be. So, to be tolerant, you have to agree with them. People who don't even know what tolerance is shouldn't be lecturing everyone else on the subject.
John Hawkins

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