Sunday, February 26, 2012

Obama's Persecution of Christians

Obama holds no love for Christians or Christianity. Look at his church of choice led by the Right Reverend Wright. This isn't Christianity, but pure hate. Obama absorbed it like a sponge. The only religion he seems to protect and like is Islam. He loves the morning call to prayer, he avoids mentioning that the atrocities such as 9/11 or Fort Hood were perpetrated by Muslims. He needs his left wing abortion base far more than he needs the Catholic Church or its members. Hence, he has no problem violating the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion by putting the Church in a position to violate their teachings and beliefs if the comply. The Church should resist this not only through the Courts, but, if the Republicans gain control, push legislation to prevent such edicts. 

With Obamacare's tyrannical edict to the Catholic church -- attacking basic tenets of their faith -- Obama has codified the bigotry, intolerance and abject turpitude of what has become America's biggest threat: the secular religion practiced by Obama and his faithful Democrats across the media and throughout government.  Christians and people of good conscience must realize the secular religion of the state -- as evidenced by the echoing bigger-state-smaller-individual bigoted drum beat of 90% of the media and the sole intent of Obama's policies and administration -- is at war against the liberty and free-will of the individual, which are fundamental and essential to Christianity. 

The spotlight is on the Catholics now which is good because they are big enough to fight the good fight but do not be deceived this is not just the Catholic's fight, this affects us all if we are affiliated with a religious organization that has any core beliefs. Just like Hitler who started with the Jews and then moved on from there, he will come after us all if he is not stopped. 

This is not just an attack on the Roman Catholics, this is an attack on all Christians or any other religious organization that hold certain core values. No matter what you may think about the Catholic Church, they got this one right and this is an attack on the catholic (little 'c') church that we should all join in defending against. 

One more time. the first thing Lenin did when the communists took over Russia was to destroy the churches, (Coptic) I ask you, if your parents, grandparents, were Democrat, Republican, or Independent, what are the chances of you being the same. Obamas grandparents and parents were Communists. The assault on churches no matter what denomination has just started. If you give this commie 4 more years, churches, they will be gone. It's time to get rid of this abomination and his czars an cohorts, and never again vote for a community organizer from Harvard.

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