Sunday, November 20, 2011

American Gratitude

COL Will Britt here, son of the late COL Albert Sidney Britt III, CO-
E. As a frequent traveler through the airports of our country, I am
continuously impressed with the gratitude of the American people.  No, it is
more than gratitude.  The people of our great nation embrace fully their
volunteer warriors.  They openly approach our soldiers and shake hands and
hug them saying over and over, "thank you so very much for your service."
Last week I flew from Columbia, SC (Ft. Jackson) to Washington D.C. Barely
had I set foot in Dulles Airport when three teenagers walked up and hugged
me. One was openly crying.  An elderly woman stopped me to tell me that all
good things in her life came from soldiers like me.  Two business men shook
my hand and said that our Army today was a credit to our nation and that
they wished our contemporary politicians acted with the level of high ethics
that our military exhibited.  A woman wanted me to hug her child, another
wanted to pose in a picture with me.  All around me other uniformed soldiers
were experiencing the same treatment.  On every plane I flew on, with two
different airlines, the air crew publically welcomed us and the passengers
applauded.  You ask if the citizens of our country need a sign to
demonstrate their appreciation -- hell no! Our people - my people, treat us
like Rock Stars. Pass this email around along with the other.
Thank you,


COL William B. Britt
12th Legal Support Organization
13000 Jackson Blvd.
Ft. Jackson, SC  29207
(w)  (803) 751-3033
(c)  (706) 633-6099

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