Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Insiders vs Trump The Outsider

Interesting perspective!

“Who hates Donald Trump?”
            The Washington DC Insiders which includes both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party.

How does it compare with Sunni vs. Shia in the Muslim world?
            Think of Republicans as the mainstream Sunni branch of Islam.
            Think of Democrats as the more radical Shia branch of Islam.
            The Muslim branches hate each other, but they join together to destroy the outsider – the Infidels who do not submit to their established religion.
            The two branches of the Washington DC Insiders hate each other, but they must join together to destroy the outsider – the Infidel Trump.
            Fascinating analogy!

What does Trump the Infidel want to change in Washington which makes the Washington DC Insiders hate him?
Protect our borders - build a wall if necessary
Stop illegal immigration and refugees
Stop Islamists who wish to destroy us from entering our country
Restore America's military might and greatness
Restore America's economic engine of greatness
Return America's Corporations back to the mainland
Create new, good, high-paying jobs
Get people off welfare and into a viable job market
Respect our constitution, heritage, and Judeo-Christian heritage
Deal firmly with those who hate us - not genuflecting and cowering to them (probably won't kiss the Saudi King's ring)

And for this, the Washington DC Insiders hate him. He is a threat to their religion.

Some of them are even saying "I will vote for Hillary before Donald Trump!"  Really?  Yes!  Of course they would. They must!   And now you know why.

See for yourself … only six minutes and it explains it all:   +

Pass it along ...

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