Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Lady of Mount Carmel was the Catholic Church for Italians in early Denver. 

Saint Mother Cabrini went to this church. 

This church started the observance of Columbus Day which was made a legal holiday in Colorado before it became a nationwide observance.

"Seated in a comfortable carriage of the Santa Fe Railway, my glance swept across those immense plains which, around Denver, are dotted with the cottages of our Italian agriculturalists," reported Frances Xavier Cabrini, the Italian-born foundress of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. The first U.S. citizen to be canonized a saint, she first came to Denver as a missionary in 1902.

Touring Colorado, Mother Cabrini found that:

 here the hardest work is reserved for the Italian worker. There are few who regard him with a sympathetic eye, who care for him or remember that he has a heart and soul: they merely look upon him as an ingenious machine for work. . . . I saw these dear fellows of ours engaged on construction of railways in the most intricate mountain gorges.

Mother Cabrini further lamented that Colorado's many Italian miners spent most of their waking lives underground, "until old age and incapacity creep over them, or . . . a landslide or explosion or an accident of some kind ends the life of the poor worker, who does not even need a grave, being buried in the one in which he has lived all his life."

At the request of Bishop Matz, Mother Cabrini came to Colorado to bring "the holy joys" to "our poor emigrants." In North Denver's "Little Italy," Mother Cabrini joined a handsome young priest who made building a parish for his countrymen his life's work--Mariano Felice Lepore. It was Father Lepore who had first invited Mother Cabrini to Colorado, after hearing of her miraculous ability to do God's work with meager resources.

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