Sunday, January 8, 2012

Letter to the Denver Post YourHub Editor

Re:  Jack Van Ens column, “Disengage from snarky war of words”

I enjoyed reading Jack Van Ens latest column, and I am pleased that he is asking all of us to make a new year’s resolution to emulate statesmen rather than political hacks.   I trust that his columns in 2012 will reflect this call for “cogent arguments about the issues” and not character assassination.

It’s admirable that Van Ens calls out those who make ad hominem attacks and those who caricature opponents as “cartoonish oafs.”  I hope that Jack’s columns this year will focus on issues and not single out conservatives and Republicans for ridicule.   I hope that Jack will set the example this year by not accusing Newt Gingrich of fiscal fantasies; by not making accusations that President Reagan turned a blind eye to the plight of those in the shadows; by not making snarky claims that the Tea Party spreads half-truths and shades the truth; by not making snarky comments about Sarah Palin protecting her cubs and using incendiary rhetoric; by not making snarky characterizations of the wealthy as fat cats; and by not ridiculing Herman Cain and Mitt Romney as needing a refresher course on U.S. financial history.

I look forward to reading Van Ens’ columns this year when he comes to the defense of the Tea Parties when they are called “terrorists” and “racists.”    I’m glad that Jack disavows character assassination, and I expect that he will speak out strongly against those hate mongers who call conservatives “Nazis” and “Statsi.”   I’m glad that Jack will be coming to the defense of the Catholic Church for its strong moral principles when it is called “fascist” by anti-Catholic bigots.   I look forward to Van Ens calling out leftist news organizations and defending conservatives for their right to speak out and have beliefs that differ from liberals and libertarians.

It will be a great new year if all of us on all sides of the political landscape keep those resolutions.

Mark Helgeson
Westminster, CO

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