Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fundamental Transformation of the NBA

I listened to the Mark Levin podcast today.   He had some excellent ideas on what needs to happen to the National Basketball Association and perhaps all professional sports teams.    I also added a couple suggestions.   Perhaps you can also add to this list of recommendations:

            In order to heal this terrible nation of racism and to advance the cause of equality in our socialist utopia, President Obama needs to fundamentally transform and nationalize the NBA!   

This would include quotas for each team based on race, gender, and sexual orientation.    Each team would also be required to have handicapped players.     

We can no longer tolerate players, coaches, and owners having so much money.   Therefore, to avoid income inequality, they would all be paid the new minimum wage of $10.10/hour.

Players, coaches, and owners must all sign up for Obamacare as their only health insurance plan as this is in line with our nationalized health care industry.  Failure to sign up results in fines.

Players will only be allowed to have one vehicle, and it must be a GM or Chrysler vehicle to support those nationalized industries.   Failure to buy a car will result in fines.

To ensure no discrimination in spectator tickets, each ticket would cost $20.   Food and drink would cost $1 per item and would only be healthy items such as fruits and vegetables.  Failure to buy any food or drink at a game will result in fines.

Any profits deemed excessive by an Obama-appointed Czar would be confiscated and used to redistribute wealth to undocumented citizens (formerly called “illegal aliens” before that term was deemed bigoted and banned).

Any players or spectators making bigoted statements at the game or in their homes will be banned for life and be sent to reeducation camps to learn political correctness.  Of course, they will also be fined for being hateful idiots.

IRS agents (with the help of special interests groups such as teachers’ unions, ACORN and other progressive leftist groups funded by George Soros) will monitor the games and locker rooms to ensure compliance with government mandates that advance our fundamental transformation to socialism.   These monitors will be paid twice the minimum wage plus a special subsidy for their work advancing social justice.         

We should then consider nationalizing other groups such as the entertainment industry where actors, producers, and movie studio owners currently make income that is unequal to the vast majority of the public.   Tickets to movies and the price of non-buttered popcorn (a healthy snack) would be adjusted similarly.

Of course, none of these rules would apply to members of Congress, the Administration, or designated cronies as they will receive their normal waivers that make them exempt from federal laws that apply to the rest of the citizens.

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