Friday, October 11, 2013

Who Actually "Shut Down" the Government?

Here is a short course in "US Constitution 101" as it applies to the current federal funding battle between the House of Representatives and the Senate:
Thomas Sowell/ October 4, 2013
Even when it comes to something as basic - and, apparently, as simple and straightforward - as the question of who shut down the federal government, there are diametrically opposite answers, depending on whether you talk to Democrats or to Republicans.
There is really nothing complicated about the facts.  The Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted to approve all of the money required to keep all government activities going - except for ObamaCare.     This is not just a matter of opinion - it's a fact!   You can check the Congressional Record.
As for the House of Representatives' right to grant or withhold money, that is not a "matter of opinion" either.  You can check the Constitution of the United States.    ALL spending bills MUST BE originated in the House of Representatives, which means that it is the members of the House who have the right to decide whether or not they want to spend federal money on any particular government activity.    Whether ObamaCare is good, bad or indifferent is a matter of opinion.   However, it is a basic FACT that the elected members of the United States House of Representatives are the body who have the right to make federal spending decisions, based upon their own opinion.
ObamaCare is indeed "the law of the land," as its supporters keep saying, and the Supreme Court has upheld its Constitutionality.    However, the whole point of having a "division of powers" within the federal government (as mandated by the U.S. Constitution) is that each branch can decide independently what it wants to do or not do, regardless of what either of the other branches do, when exercising the respective powers specifically granted to each branch of the government by the Constitution.
The hundreds of thousands of federal government workers who have been laid off are not idle because the the House of Representatives did not vote enough money to pay their salaries or the other expenses of their agencies (unless they work for an agency that would administer ObamaCare).   As stated previously, the House of Representatives approved the appropriations bills to allow funding of their salaries (except as pertains to ObamaCare).    It is the Senate who chose not to vote to authorize the money to be spent, simply because the House of Representatives' approvals did not include money for ObamaCare.   (NOTE:   Once the House of Representatives passes a bill to approve federal spending, it must then be sent to the Senate for final approval before it can be implemented.  Then, lastly, the President must sign/approve the bill that was previously approved by both the House and Senate.)
Since we cannot read minds, we cannot say who - if anybody - wants to "shut down" the government.   But we do know who had the option to approve keeping the government running and CHOSE NOT TO.    The money voted/approved by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for ObamaCare.    Again, it was the Senate that voted not to approve implementation of that funding.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat from Nevada) says he wants a "clean" bill from the House of Representatives (and some of the media keep repeating the word "clean" like a mantra).   But what is "UNclean" about not giving Harry Reid everything he wants??    If Sen. Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government which was approved by the House of Representatives, only because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right.   However, the resulting government shutdown is also THEIR responsibility.
You cannot lay blame on other people for not giving you everything you want.   And it is a FRAUD to blame the House of Representatives for the problems resulting from the Senate's refusing to implement spending of the funds that the House approved even when it is ample to pay for everything (except ObamaCare) to keep the government operating.    When Barak Obama keeps claiming that it is some new "outrage" for those who control the money (House of Reps.) to try to change government policy by granting or withholding certain money, that is simply a bald-faced lie.    You can check the history of other examples of "legislation by appropriation" as it has been called.   Whether legislation by appropriation is a good idea or a bad idea is a matter of opinion.   But that it is both legal and not unprecedented is a matter of fact!
Perhaps the biggest of the big lies is that the government will not be able to pay what it owes on the national debt, creating a danger of default.   Tax money continues to come in to the Treasury during the shutdown; and it vastly exceeds the interest that has to be paid on the national debt.    Even if the "debt ceiling" is not lifted, that only means that the government is not allowed to run up new debt.  But that does not mean that it is unable to pay the interest on existing debt.  
None of this is rocket science.  But unless the Republicans get their side of the story out - and articulation has never been their strong suit - the lies will win.   More importantly, the whole country will lose.


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