Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Faith and Family

"It is one thing to talk about 'fairness' when it comes to allowing gays and lesbians to marry; it is quite another to claim biblical authority for such relationships.
President Obama cited the 'Golden Rule' about treating others as you would like to be treated, but in doing so he ignored the totality of Scripture and the Lord Himself, who alone gets to set the rules for human behavior.

The president says he is a 'practicing Christian.' It is difficult to be one while simultaneously holding a low view of the Bible, which his position on several social issues might suggest. ...
I recently wrote that it is becoming increasingly difficult for people who believe the Bible is God's Word to impose their beliefs on those who disagree with them. But it is something altogether different for those who disagree to claim the Bible doesn't say what it says, in effect calling God a liar.

President Obama apparently hopes there are sufficient numbers of biblical illiterates -- and he could be right about this -- that either won't notice his sleight of hand, or don't care. ...
People are free to accept or reject what Scripture says. What they are not free to do is to claim it says something it does not."

--columnist Cal Thomas

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