Thursday, May 24, 2012

Rebellion in the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is being torn apart by traitorous or ignorant clerics, religious and laity who have succumbed to humanist philosophies out of cowardice, lust and pride.

A Brief History of Rebellion:
* If we trace back to Martin Luther we see the Rebellion in the Church beginning to take serious shape.  Luther .. remember was a priest.  He is the Father of the Reformation.  Martin Luther did not Re-Form the Church .. he tore it apart .. fomenting revolution and overthrow.

* With Religious Revolution burning across mainland Europe .. England caught fire as well in the person of King Henry VIII.  Henry .. following close on the heels of Luther’s approach .. he claimed the authority of the Church for himself .. specifically taking the title .. Supreme Head of the Church in England.  He coerced every bishop in the realm .. all except one .. St. John Fisher whom he beheaded.  

* Francis Bacon (1561-1626) who emphasized the use of reason and scientific investigation alone to arrive at truth.Rene Descartes (1596-1650) with his famous .. Cogito ergo sum .. tried to explain the universe as a merely logical proposition.  And Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) .. with his radical materialist reinterpretation of Scripture .. where he asserts heaven and hell are actually on earth.

* Francois-Marie Arouet (1694-1778) who used the pen name .. Voltaire .. scoffed at the Church and its unenlightened .. primal worship of a Supreme Being. Voltaire is the ICON of the Enlightenment .. elite .. educated .. cultured .. sophisticated .. toast of all the most fashionable parties ..  He and his allies form the pantheon of gods of the Enlightenment .. men like Montesquieu .. John Locke .. Rousseau .. David Hume .. and Berkeley.

* John Locke (1632-1704) .. with his appeal to human reason to be the final arbiter of truth as opposed to any outside authority.

* George Berkeley (1685-1753) .. and his so-called subjective idealism .. wherein he held that reality proceeds from the mind .. and is not imposed on the mind from an outside authority.

* Montesquieu (1689-1755) altered the idea of Divine Providence running throughout history and in turn left events and their consequences to the interplay of great movements of man.

* David Hume (1711-1776).. in a bid to confuse the picture even further .. subordinates human reason to human feelings and says morality derives from how we feel .. not an authority.

* Rousseau’s (1712-1778) advancement of the idea that man is basically good but corrupted by society .. not born into original sin with its resulting concupiscence .. and therefore .. standing in no need of a Savior.

* The fruit of the Enlightenment is that God was replaced by Man.   Within 200 years .. this understanding would lead to moral chaos .. two world wars .. and hundreds of millions being enslaved by totalitarian dictators.  But in the immediate wake of the Enlightenment .. what was first threatened was the existing political order. 

* Nowhere was this seen more plainly than in the French Revolution of 1789 .. through 1799 .. accompanied by the Reign of Terror from 1793-1794 .. where upwards of forty thousand people ..  many of them faithful Catholics ..  clergy and laity .. met their fates on the guillotine .. also called France’s National Razor.  The execution of King Louis XVI and his Queen Marie Antoinette in 1793 symbolized the end of an era of authority deriving from above.  From now on .. people would be ruled in equality .. liberty and fraternity .. or such was the fantasy.

* In the 1700s . . . Germany became the focal point for attacking established religious belief.

* Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) proposed the idea that one can only know God through Reason.

* George Hegel (1770-1831) reduces the understanding of GOD .. OUT THERE .. to a set of beliefs accepted by a community of believers.  Their philosophical approach establishes a theological-academic approach to God that denies the miraculous.

* By the dawn of the 20th  century .. this belief system had begun to harden.  Pope St. Pius X called it Modernism and defined it as the “synthesis of all heresies.”  He wrote an encyclical that was as shocking in its prophetic utterances as it was profound in its recognition of the times

* The congregation of Holy Cross, C.S.C., enjoyed a prominent role in the rebellion … in the person of Father Theodore Hesburgh… president of the University of Notre Dame from 1952 to 1987.  In 1967… Hesburgh engineered a coup … in Catholic higher education… the shock waves of which … still roll across the Church.  With the infamous Land ‘O Lakes statement… Hesburgh and his cohorts delivered control of the formerly Church run university… over to a lay board of trustees.

* The disobedience of many of the bishops to fulfill their duties… is a disobedience to the Church’s Magisterium.  The scandal of actively homosexual priests and bishops… rampant in the Church…is the cause of the clerical sex abuse scandals which exploded on to the public scene in 2002.

You must fight heresy…as though eternity depended on the outcome … because it does.  You must love The Church radically … forsaking all else… for love of the Church is love of Christ.  Pray for your persecutors … but do not allow them to stand in the way of your salvation.  In so doing … fighting – loving and praying … you will glory in the company of all the saints and angels in Heaven… until you see them face to face.

We are a Church chastened and sanctified in the flames of this rebellion.

Thankfully, there are many fine and splendid bishops who speak the truths of the faith very clearly .. such as .. Cardinal Raymond Burke who said recently in a speech that received worldwide attention .. bishops have as much if not more duty to obey the Magisterium.

Watch and Learn:

Catholic Investigative Agency
Real Catholic TV

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