Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hey, Jude!

Solemn Novena to St. Jude
October 28

To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ: mercy unto you, and peace and charity be fulfilled.
~ Letter of St. Jude 1:1-1

You and your family will be included in the prayers and Masses of this Novena.

These special intentions will also be included in this Novena:
-      Our military veterans - living & deceased
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant
and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and
invokes you universally as the patron of hope.
Please intercede on my behalf. Make use of that
particular privilege given to you to bring
hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most.
Come to my assistance in this great
need that I may receive the consolation
and help of heaven as I work with my
challenges, particularly (here make your request).
I praise God with you and all the saints forever.
I promise, blessed St. Jude, to be ever
mindful of this great favor, to always
honor you as my special and powerful patron
and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.

St. Jude pray for us.

National Shrine of St. Jude
Claretian Missionaries

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Last Sunday of October

Here is an old prayer against the evils of the Islamic heresy that we should be praying more often today . . .

There comes to mind the traditional prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pope Leo XIII recited before the Blessed Sacrament on the Last Sunday of October in the traditional Roman calendar, the Feast of Christ the King followed by a Litany and Benediction. This was established by Pius XI in 1925 in his encyclical Quas primas.

Let’s see the prayer:
Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thine altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but, to be more surely united with Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to Thy most Sacred Heart.
Many indeed have never known Thee; many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned Thee; grant that they may quickly return to Thy Father’s house lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.
Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.
Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine eyes of mercy towards the children of the race, once Thy chosen people: of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life.

Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harmgive peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: “Praise be to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor for ever.” Amen.

This prayer has fallen out of favor. It doesn’t pull any punches.  But I like very much the reference to Islamism.
This prayer was also recited at my home parish St. Agnes in St. Paul, MN, every Tuesday evening after the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.  It was great to hear the clauses roll along, recited by the whole congregation, most of whom knew it by heart, as I came to in those days.   These prayers become part of you.  They shape identity.
If you are interested in learning more, I have a 2009 PODCAzT about the prayer and Leo XIII’s Annum sacrum HERE.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Save us from the Islamists!

Saints Nunilo and Alodia – Protect us from the Islamists

Saints Nunilo and Alodia (died c. 842/51) were a pair of child martyrs from Huesca. Born of a mixed marriage, they eschewed the Islam of their father in favor of their mother's Christianity. They were executed by the Muslim authorities of Huesca in accordance with sharia law as apostates. Their feast day is 22 October.

The girls were arrested during the persecutions conducted by Abd ar-Rahman II, the emir of Córdoba in Spain. When they refused to disavow their faith they were placed in a brothel and later beheaded. Their relics were revered at Leyre in the tenth and eleventh centuries, when a portal was fashioned bearing their image, which still survives.

The Translatio sanctarum Nunilonis et Alodiae, a short account of the translation of their relics to the monastery of Leyre in 851, survives in two tenth-century manuscripts. The children's relics were translated from Huesca to Leyre by Oneca, the wife of Íñigo Arista, King of Navarre. There are some discrepancies between the account of the martyrdom in the Translatio and that recorded by Eulogius of Córdoba.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Your Mother is always with you.

She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street.
She’s the smell of certain foods you remember, flowers you pick, the fragrance of life itself.
She’s the cool hand on your brow when you’re not feeling well.
She’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day.
She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep, the colors of a rainbow, and Christmas morning.
Your mother lives inside your laughter.
She’s the place you came from, your first home, and she’s the map you follow with every step you take.
She’s your first love and your first friend, and nothing on earth can separate you - not time, not space . . . not even death.

From Grief The Unspoken blog