Saturday, February 28, 2015

List of Grievances Against A Despotic President

United States of America versus Barack Hussein Obama

List of grievances against the tyrannical and despotic President Barack Obama:
-       You have violated separation of powers in defiance of free elections.
-       You have seized power granted to Congress alone by ignoring laws, making laws, and boasting about your usurpation.
-       You unilaterally appropriated monies to fund your radical agenda in violation of Congress’ Power of the Purse.
-       You contravened Congress’ authority in matters over immigration and naturalization eviscerating existing immigration laws and American sovereignty endangering the well-being of the American people in blatant pursuit of self-serving agendas.
-       You repeatedly defied the Senate’s confirmation power over your appointments requiring intervention by the Supreme Court to stop you.
-       In coordination with the previous Senate Majority Leader, you have poisoned the independence of the judiciary by appointing scores of radical activists to life-time judicial appointments at the district and circuit court levels to ensure your unconstitutional actions are ever-lasting.
-       You have repeatedly evaded the Senate’s role in the adoption of treaties which require two thirds approval by refusing to submit such arrangements for consideration calling them “executive agreements.”
-       You show nothing but contempt for the Bill of Rights including the 1st, 2nd, and 10th Amendments.
-       You show nothing but contempt for Private Property rights and Free Market Capitalism as evidenced by your nationalizing the Internet, the banks, the student loan industry without any constitutional authority.
-       You have nationalized and destroyed the greatest health care system on the face of the earth to the great detriment of tens of millions of American citizens.
-       You have recklessly destroyed the fiscal well-being of this nation with wild spending schemes driving up the federal operating debt to 18.5 trillion dollars and unfunded liabilities to over 100 trillion dollars thereby threatening the liberty and prosperity of future generations and the survivability of this country.
-       You have directed federal departments and agencies such as the EPA to unleash thousands of regulations which you concealed until after both of your presidential elections which have driven millions of Americans out of work and shuttered thousands of businesses, and you have pursued economic policies that have driven the median income of Americas down and forced millions of Americans onto food stamp , Medicaid, and disability insurance.
-       You have use the Office of the Presidency in language and in actions to divide and Balkanize the American people on race, gender, age, and income and excite jealousies, animosities, and hatred for political advantage.
-       While massively increasing domestic spending, you have shown contempt with policies which undermine our military personnel and readiness and the security of this nation.
-       You have failed to take the proper and necessary steps to confront Islamic Nazism and increasingly belligerent regimes in Communist China and Fascist Russia.
-       You have undermined our friend, Israel, to the detriment of our security, and you have undermined our ally Israel and appeased our enemy in Iran.

Mark Levin at CPAC 2015

Watch the entire speech @

Your Internet Now Belongs To Socialists

Comrades for Net Neutrality
by John Fund

Today’s vote by a bitterly divided Federal Communications Commission that the Internet should be regulated as a public utility is the culmination of a decade-long battle by the Left.

Using money from George Soros and liberal foundations that totaled at least $196 million, radical activists finally succeeded in ramming through “net neutrality,” or the idea that all data should be transmitted equally over the Internet.

The final push involved unprecedented political pressure exerted by the Obama White House on FCC chairman Tom Wheeler, head of an ostensibly independent regulatory body.

“Net neutrality’s goal is to empower the federal government to ration and apportion Internet bandwidth as it sees fit, and to thereby control the Internet’s content,” says Phil Kerpen, an anti-net-neutrality activist from the group American Commitment. The courts have previously ruled the FCC’s efforts to impose “net neutrality” out of bounds, so the battle isn’t over. But for now, the FCC has granted itself enormous power to micromanage the largely unrestrained Internet.

Read more at:

How Government Works

Obama Threatens Consequences For Those Who Fail To Follow His Illegal Orders

Obama on I.C.E. “if they do not follow policies, there’s consequences.”
Obama has once again issued an executive order. This time it’s about immigration. A Federal Judge has stopped the order yet Obama somehow thinks the judge’s orders are irrelevant and expects his subjects to obey his command anyway. Here is part of discussion between Obama at Town Hall with President host Jose Diaz Balart on MSNBC:
Balart: “How do you ensure the I.C.E. and border patrol won’t be deporting people like this. What are the consequence?”
Obama: “The bottom line is that if somebody’s working for I.C.E., and there is a policy and they don’t follow the policy there are going to be consequence to it. So I can’t speak to specific problem, what I can talk about is, what’s true in government generally. In the US Military when you get an order, you’re expected to follow it. It doesn’t mean everyone follows the order. If they don’t, they’ve got a problem, and same is going to be true with respect to policies we’re putting forward.”
Dear President Obama, did you forget that no one who takes that  oath for office, even in the military, is required to execute an ‘illegal’ order!’
The current oath was enacted in 1884 says:  “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office in which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
I don’t see anywhere that says anyone needs to follow an  IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE, do you?!

Obama’s Takeover Of The Internet

“Our job is to make media reform part of our broader struggle for democracy, social justice, and, dare we say it, socialism.”
There is NOTHING NEUTRAL about the Net Neutrality rules being imposed by the FCC vote and ruling yesterday.  While the ignorantly gullible and emoting public gobbles up words the Oligarchs and Marxists use to sell it as ‘fairness’ and ‘cheaper’ – the actual architects and movers and shakers of the rules imposed by the FCC and FEC yesterday had completely different motives.  ‘Net Neutrality’ is just a sell word – same as the “Affordable Care Act” was used to push the complete takeover of the healthcare system via ObamaCare.

While we already have learned everything we do on the Internet is spied on by the NSA, catalogued and stored by the various Alphabets at Mordor On The Potomac, the same generation that went berserk over learning GW Bush ordered incoming international cell phone calls from overseas tapped – are jumping for joy over the FCC takeover of the internet whose rules are STILL being kept secret as I write this.  In short – they are cheering the takeover, taxation and restriction of their own playground.  Once the consequences of yesterday hit them, and broadband across the board slows to dial-up speed, who will they be directed to hate for that?  Will they demand Obama nationalize AT&T, Verizon and Comcast?  They certainly are not going to blame Obama or government. I know – blame Republicans, probably talking points are already written for that.

‘Net Neutrality’ as a term is as Orwellian as anything we have ever heard before.  The operative word of what happened yesterday is not NEUTRALITY, but NEUTRALIZE – as in to neutralize all non-‘progressive’ (i.e.: Marxist/Fascist) ideas from the internet and media.  Neutralize the average American from internet access by fees, taxes and fines upon everything they do on the internet.  Neutralize Capitalism from the internet.

Sound crazy?  Those are the words of one of the main architects of the top secret plans the Leftists strong armed the FCC to impose by fiat.  Consider it a Socialist-run purge of the internet.  Their  ultimate goal is banning and restricting content and limiting communication that poses a threat to the Ruling Class Tyrants in power and the various bogus agendas they push.  For now, it is about getting the media giants into the control of government and micromanaging how the internet itself runs and what can be charged for it so a ridiculous treasure-trove of untapped revenue can be streamed into the greedy hands of government via taxes and fees for everything that happens online.  Imagine having to pay taxes, or a ‘digital postage stamp’ on every e-mail you send and how much data you upload or download. The requirement of a digital ID before you can get online.  Those things are coming, they were made possible yesterday.  Today they set up the bureaucracy and target revenue streams.

Tomorrow, it is about silencing dissent.

Oppose the Climate Change and Global Warming hoax?  The net will be devoid of any dissent.  Anything that supports actual science instead of their agenda will be scrubbed and removed.

Support a political position or candidate that is not a Socialist/Marxist Ruling Class Oligarch?  That will fall under FEC campaign rules and the fees and fines and reporting duties are so onerous and mind boggling – the IRS scandal that targeted Conservative groups will seem like child’s play.

This people have absolutely no clue or idea what happened to them yesterday as the velvet coup marches on to impose the MarxoFascist ‘Utopia’ on a nation these evil beings seek to punish and destroy.

Obama's Strategy To Destroy The Republican Party in 2016

What will the Republicans do about this threat to their existence?

There Is No Executive Order! For Amnesty — It Is Far Worse

Obama’s strategy with his illegal ‘executive actions’ on Amnesty: “Even though the United States lets in more legal immigrants per year than almost all the rest of the countries in the world added up…we are going to accelerate the process.”

In Obama’s second executive memorandum, “Creating Welcoming Communities and Fully Integrating Immigrants and Refugees,” Obama provides an overview of his insidious plan to accelerate legal immigration and to naturalize over 13 million Legal Permanent Residents before the 2016 Presidential election.

From the presidential memorandum signed in Las Vegas:

Section 1.White House Task Force on New Americans

(a) There is established a White House Task Force on New Americans (Task Force) to develop a coordinated Federal strategy to better integrate new Americans into communities and support State and local efforts to do the same. It shall be co-chaired by the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Secretary of Homeland Security, or their designees.

The Director of the Domestic Policy Council is Cecilia Munoz, the former Executive Vice President of La Raza, the well-known pro-illegal alien organization. Working with the Co-Chairs will be a Task Force of sixteen separate federal bureaucracies.

What the Obama Administration is doing is worse than just an “Executive Order on Amnesty.”

Obama's Insidious Task Force on "New Americans" - Amnesty for 15 Million Illegals

This transcript about Obama’s “Task Force for New Americans” will shock you!  Obama’s strategy is not to provide amnesty to 5 million, but to provide amnesty to up to 15 million who will take over local communities and serve as “seedlings” for further expansion to dominate designated cities and states.  

Here is the transcript of Sue Paine’s call to the Mark Levin Show which reveals Obama’s plan for millions of illegals to take over local communities.

Begin Transcript:

Mark Levin: Yesterday you may recall we had a call from a lady named Sue who was invited (apparently unbeknownst to the President’s folks) to listen in on a discussion.. a phone discussion… at a rally that was taking place of some sort about immigration – Sue how are you?

Sue Paine: I’m very good Mark, thank you for having me on the show.

ML: Now Sue, who can also be heard on WCBM on the weekends I learned, Sue Paine – Sue we don’t have a lot of time so go ahead and summarize what took place on that call.

SP: Well what took place on the call was there was the Task Force on “New Americans” which Obama established on November 21st, remember when he went to Las Vegas the media said he was signing an Executive Order for five million illegal aliens to become “deferred”.  In reality what he did was sign a ‘memorandum’ that created the task force on ‘New Americans’ which was going to implement his Amnesty for the five million illegals which I believe is going to be more than that Mark.  I believe he [Obama] he was planning, and on these conference calls it became clear that he’s looking at 13-15 million to give protection and move (them) along to citizenship.

What happened in the conference calls was there was a representative from 16 members of his (Obama’s) Cabinet, so there was 16 representatives there and Cecilia Nunez was on the first call.  And they began to…

ML: Hold on now. And she is a top Advisor to the President on this and a former official with LULAC – err, or LaRaza. LaRaza.

SP: LaRaza. And she is chairing this task force. And so what became clear is that once these illegals come out of the shadows so-to-speak, their communities that they are living in now are going to be REDESIGNATED as ‘Receiving Communities’.  And what this task force is designed to do is to create a ‘welcoming feeling’ among these Receiving Communities’ to bring in these ‘immigrants’, bring them out in the open, but the Receiving Communities will then soon morph into what was established as an ‘emerging immigrant community’. And to do that what they said was that we need to start looking at the ‘immigrant’ as a ‘seedling’, and the ‘seedling’ could grow and the ‘seedling’ needs to be in fertile soil.

ML: Okay let’s hold on, we got the ‘seedling’,  the fertile soil in these ‘new communities’.  Good Lord this sounds like Plato’s Republic.  It sounds like Marxism.  It sounds like Mao’s China.

[commerical break]

ML: So Sue, we have these special little communities, these ‘seedlings’ and fertilizer and then what?

SP: Well eventually the ‘seedlings’ will take over the host and the immigrants will come out of the shadows and what I got from the meetings was that they would be pushing the citizens into the shadows.  They would be taking over the country, in fact one of the members of the Task Force actually said that ‘We would be developing a country WITHIN a country’.  There was a couple of buzz words that were really disturbing to hear, that was one of them.  One was from the White House Spokesman said that “Immigrants need to be made aware of the benefits they are entitled to” which led to another comment saying that this group that Obama is going to pardon or give Amnesty to, would not be interested in assimilating, they would NAVIGATE NOT ASSIMILATE. And go into…

ML: Okay stop there, that is very very important. So these are officials in the White House talking about people not assimilating but ‘navigating’.  And you know Sue, this is, this plays right into what Obama was saying and I played a clip of that, where he’s – he’s…again he’s not talking about assimilation either.  He’s actually talking almost – though he doesn’t use the word about CONQUERING.  Did you get that impression?

SP: Oh yes.  Especially when it became very clear that the ‘Receiving Communities’ would be morphing into the ‘Emergent Immigrant Communities’.  And he also, there was also a couple of things that were very disturbing.  One was that as soon as this decision is pushed through, these ‘immigrants’ need to be treated as refugees.   They need to be given cash; they need medical care; they need to use a credit card to pay for any documents that they need.  And also we need to convince state and local governments to cut these people no interest loans, with taxpayer dollars so they can then pay for their papers, as if we were funding our own destruction here.

ML: This is amazing.  And what amazes me Sue is how this is progressed, how advanced the strategy is.  Obviously it has been in the works for years and years. It’s just incredible.  I mean… and if you hand’t been in on this phone call we wouldn’t even know about this.

SP: No, you wouldn’t.  It was a series of three calls, and Mark also – they said there was going to be a great deal of ‘older immigrants’ in this batch,  and that we needed to make sure that the ‘Receiving Communities’ knew that the older or elderly unskilled that can contribute to these ‘Receiving Communities’ and that the government should understand that immigrants need to “age successfully”… “Immigrants in successful aging” and we need to get them into Social Security as soon as possible, so they can “Age Successfully” within their country within a country.

ML: This is unbelievable what is going on inside this country, inside the gates of the White House without any authority, without any knowledge of the American People.  I feel like this is a completely surreptitious government.  I feel like we’re the one’s in the shadows.  I feel like we’re the ones being cut out of the information flow.

Like I said this is no Republic.  I don’t know what the hell this is.  Now Sue Paine via WCBM…

SP: Well now…

ML: Hold on now, are you posting this information anywhere?

SP: Uhmm no I haven’t done it, the WCBM program I would get Pat McDonough, Mark is a Godsend to the State of Maryland.  He is the guy who…

ML:  I know but Sue, I am trying to find out if people can get this information.  They are going to be contacting us…. are you going to post anything?

SP: I have not posted anything. If they want to contact me…..

ML: No, no no… slow down now.  If you do post something you will let us know.

SP: Oh yeah….

ML: I don’t want 300,000 people trying to contact you.  It would be much better if you guys post some information that you just told me so we can send people to a link.

SP: Yes I agree with you.  And also Mark one more thing in closing, I just want to say that what is scary about this vote that is going on right now about the Homeland Security (DHS) and funding or defunding Obama’s Executive Order is that they spoke in this call Mark about their willingness to “LEVERAGE FEDERAL FUNDS” , and what I got from that was, if this thing goes through and they fund Homeland Security (DHS), then all these Cabinet offices would be willing to just leverage their funds.

ML:  Yeah, it’s very important that you and Pat McDonough write this up, get it up on a website at WCBM and then you’ll let Mr. Producer know and we will link to it. Can you try and do that?

SP: Yeah, I’ll do that and try to get something to Richard, and I really appreciate you giving us the time to educate the citizens because this is an insidious thing Mark.

ML: Oh, it’s stunning,  Your information is crucial.  I never heard of all this before. All right Sue, give my best to all my brothers and sisters at WCBM and my buddy Tom Marr.

SP: I will and thank you again Mark.  Bless your heart.

ML: All right, God bless you.  Wow, do you believe this?  We shouldn’t be surprised.  It’s not a question of being surprised, it’s a question of being stunned… at just how extensive these activities are. Just how pervasive they are.  Going on in the shadows.  This isn’t our government.  I don’t know what the hell this is.  The radicals are in control. Well, there you go.

Transcript End.

Obama's Insidious Plan: "Amnesty Communities" for 15 Million Illegals

 A White House conference call to supporters of Obama’s Amnesty reveals plans to create ‘a country within a country’ at taxpayer expense.  These “New Americans” will “Navigate, not assimilate”.
What we have taking place right under our noses and accelerating is what I assert is an ongoing velvet coup.  Today we lost the Internet and I just posted news about the feds using the same tactic they used to take over the internet to ban a popular caliber of ammunition by having it reclassified so as to put it under purview of the Regime and regulate it.
For a triple whammy of what is being planned against us, is no less than the orchestrated invasion of America by flooding it with “New Americans”.  South Americans, Syrian refugees, the entire third world poor being flown, driven and herded in here to get a ticket of your wealth – which Joe Biden said – needs to be “emancipated”.

On the Mark Levin Show Thursday evening, Sue Paine of WCBM revealed that she was accidentally invited to take part in a White House Conference call about Obama’s ‘Executive Amnesty’ orders.  What she heard on this call by officials in the White House and radical Amnesty planners was frightening.  It is no less than an insidious plan to use American citizen’s own money to fund our own national suicide and demise.  Sue revealed that the White House plans that these ‘New Americans’ will be subsidized by you and me, the taxpayer.  That they will be given immediate access and priority for Social Security benefits and provided other ‘benefits’ she quotes the White House says these “new Americans” are “ENTITLED TO”.  

Plans involve creating a separate enclave of a ‘country within a country’ of these ‘New Americans’ and then EXPAND them outward even further, until they simply take over and control those communities and eventually the country.

Read more @

New Jobs Going To Illegals

All of your jobs now belong to us!
I guess we should be glad that at least someone is working. 

An American Airlines Pilot Speaks His Mind

Pilot Speaks Out 

No name calling, no hatred, no political agenda.


A newspaper stated that some Muslim doctor is saying we are profiling him because he has been checked three times while getting on an airplane.   The following is a letter from a pilot. This well- spoken man, who is a pilot with American Airlines, says what is in his heart, beautifully. 

By Captain John Maniscalco, American Airlines Pilot 
I've been trying to say this since 911, but you worry me. I wish you didn't. I wish when I walked down the streets of this country that I love, that your colour and culture still blended with the beautiful human landscape we enjoy in this country. But you don't blend in anymore. I notice you, and it worries me.

I notice you because I can't help it anymore. People from your homelands, professing to be Muslims, have been attacking and killing my fellow citizens and our friends for more than 20 years now. I don't fully understand their grievances and hate, but I know that nothing can justify the inhumanity of their attacks.

On September 11, ARAB-MUSLIMS hijacked four jetliners in my country. They cut the throats of women in front of children and brutally stabbed to death others. They took control of those planes and crashed them into buildings, killing thousands of proud fathers, loving sons, wise grandparents, elegant daughters, best friends, favourite coaches, fearless public servants, and children's mothers.

The Palestinians celebrated, the Iraqis were overjoyed as was most of the Arab world. So, I notice you now. I don't want to be worried. I don't want to be consumed by the same rage, hate and prejudice that has destroyed the soul of these terrorists.  But I need your help. As a rational American, trying to protect my country and family in an irrational and unsafe world, I must know how to tell the difference between you, and the Arab/Muslim terrorist.

How do I differentiate between the true Arab/Muslim Americans and the Arab/Muslim terrorists in our communities who are attending our schools, enjoying our parks, and living in OUR communities under the protection of OUR constitution, while they plot the next attack that will slaughter MORE of the same good neighbours and children?

The events of September 11 changed the answer.. It is not MY responsibility to determine which of you embraces our great country, with ALL of its religions, with ALL of its different citizens, with all of its faults. It is time for every Arab/Muslim in this country to determine it for me.

I want to know, I DEMAND to know and I have a right to know, whether or not you love America ..... Do you pledge allegiance to its flag? Do you proudly display it in front of your house, or on your car? Do you pray in your many daily prayers that Allah will bless this nation; that He will protect it and let it prosper? Or do you pray that Allah will destroy it in one of your Jihads? Are you thankful for the freedom that this nation affords? A freedom that was paid for by the blood of hundreds of thousands of patriots who gave their lives for this country? Are you willing to preserve this freedom by also paying the ultimate sacrifice? Do you love America?? If this is your commitment, then I need YOU to start letting ME know about it

Your Muslim leaders in this nation should be flooding the media at this time with hard facts on your faith, and what hard actions YOU are taking as a community and as a religion to protect the United States of America. Please, no more benign overtures of regret for the death of the innocent, because I worry about who you regard as innocent.... No more benign overtures of condemnation for the unprovoked attacks, because I worry about what is unprovoked to you. I am not interested in any more sympathy; I am interested only in action. What will you do for America - our great country - at this time of crisis, at this time of war?

I want to see Arab-Muslims waving the AMERICAN flag in the streets. I want to hear you chanting 'Allah Bless America'. I want to see young Arab/Muslim men enlisting in the military. I want to see a commitment of money, time and emotion to the victims of this butchering and to this nation as a whole.

The FBI has a list of over 400 people they want to talk to regarding the WTC  attack. Many of these people live and socialize right now in Muslim communities. You know them. You know where they are. Hand them over to us, NOW! But I have seen little even approaching this sort of action. Instead I have seen an already closed and secretive community close even tighter. You have disappeared from the  streets. You have posted armed security guards at your facilities. You have threatened lawsuits. You have screamed for protection from reprisals.

The very few Arab/Muslim representatives that HAVE appeared in the media were defensive and equivocating. They seemed more concerned with making sure that the United States proves who was responsible before taking action. They seemed more concerned with protecting their fellow Muslims from violence directed towards them in the United States and abroad than they did with supporting our country and denouncing 'leaders' like Khadafi, Hussein, Farrakhan, and Arafat.

IF the true teachings of Islam proclaim tolerance and peace and love for all people, then I want chapter and  verse from the Koran and statements from popular Muslim leaders to back it up. What good is it if the teachings in the Koran are good, pure, and  true, when your 'leaders' ARE teaching fanatical interpretations, terrorism, and intolerance? It matters little how good Islam SHOULD BE if huge numbers of the world's Muslims interpret the teachings of Mohammed incorrectly and adhere to a degenerative form of the religion. A form that has been demonstrated to us over and over again. A form whose structure is built upon a foundation of violence, death, and suicide. A form whose members are recruited from the prisons around the world. A form whose members (some as young as five years old) are seen day after day, week in and week out, year after year, marching in the streets around the world, burning effigies of our presidents, burning the American flag, shooting weapons into the air. A form whose members convert from a peaceful religion, only to take up arms against the great United States of America, the country of their birth. A form whose rules are so twisted, that their traveling members refuse to show their faces at airport security checkpoints, in the name of Islam.

We will NEVER allow the attacks of September 11, or any others for that matter, to take away that which is so precious to us -- our rights under the greatest constitution in the world. I want to know where every Arab Muslim in this country stands and I think it is my right and the right of every true citizen of this country to DEMAND it. A right paid for by the blood of thousands of my brothers and sisters who died protecting the very constitution that is protecting you and your family.

I am pleading with you to let me know. I want you here as my brother, my neighbour, my friend, as a fellow American..... But there can be no grey areas or ambivalence regarding your allegiance, and it is up to YOU, to  show ME, where YOU stand. Until then, "YOU  WORRY ME!"

I  totally agree with this sentiment. I hope you will forget all about the 'political  correctness' mandate we've had rammed down our throats, and see if this doesn't ring true in your heart and mind. For Canada, with all the multiculturalism we've been told is so important....why should we not, as Canadians, expect that the millions of new people immigrating to our country will show their love for our country, their allegiance to our country, their willingness to obey the laws of our country, and acceptance that we are a Christian country? Just because they are able to enjoy exercising their own religion, they should NOT expect us to be ashamed of ours. They knew Canada was a Christian country when they came here. Why are we erasing Christianity because immigrants who are unwilling to adopt our way of life expect us to? There is just too much insanity in the world, and we have to start taking a stand.
I hope you will forward this, so that others will feel they are not alone if they are starting to feel the same. 

BRITISH COMMENTS: At last a clear non-racist example of the concerns that the vast majority of our Nations population probably share. The pilot's letter encapsulates all that is fair and just about national pride and protection of one's national culture. I fear it may be too late here in UK, BUT we too want our country back in the form that attracted all these different cultures to come here in the first place!! In all our conversations with a wide range of friends and acquaintances we have not met one that disagrees with our own views. If only we all had the courage of our convictions to pass this on, it is a statement that should be accepted as the heart-felt feelings of someone with honest commendable national pride.  Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists to date have been Muslims. Stand up and be counted!

Australian Comment:  Best email I have had in years it needs to be in every paper every day until we get some answers.

Apocalypse Now

A young woman recently described her father as so distressed by what America is becoming that he’s had to stop watching the news, can’t listen to another Obama speech, for the sake of his health.

I hear from friends in France, Britain, Italy who say they don’t recognize their own countries anymore. And that’s not counting wars and rumors of wars.

The Supreme Court, for example, voted 7-2 last week to allow gay marriage in Alabama, though the state’s courts had blocked it. This suggests full national legalization of gay marriage will come later in the Court’s Spring term. In one way, just another bad decision. But in another, the culmination of an aggressive movement – supported by serious foundation monies, as has been recently reported – to force gay, as self-evidently good, on everyone now.

Thus, sexual mores since Moses are lightly dismissed, and their historic importance in Jewish and Christian life declared sheer bigotry.
Don’t be deceived: this will not lead to “live and let live.” Especially for the churches who resist, it will very much be: we’ll live, and you can go die, for all we care, in your “religious animus.” (Justice Kennedy) Sadly, many liberal Catholics and Protestants have already joined that chorus, and more will.

The Court generally protects religious liberty, but as we’ve seen with the HHS mandates, things hang by a thread. Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights, rule of law have all been distorted under the regime of new-found rights. Recall, when Obama announced the HHS mandates, he implied that “women’s health” somehow was more “first” than the First Amendment guarantees of free exercise.
This time will be much worse than Roe v. Wade. That decision has faded under evidence and analysis, hence the absurd and desperate recourse to claiming a “war on women.” Gay marriage – given the enflamed nature and even medicalization of the issue (“homophobia”) – will bring relentless legal pressure on religious and secular communities who won’t go along. Besides what this means to religious groups, it’s a serious threat to America’s long history of tolerance and pluralism.

So be prepared: if you’re old enough to read this, unless you choose to fall in line, you will probably be the target of nasty demonization for the rest of your life.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Medal of Honor - Captain Ed Freeman - RIP

You're a 19 year old kid.
You are critically wounded and dying in the jungle somewhere in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam .
It's November 11, 1967.
LZ (landing zone) X-ray.
Your unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense from 100 yards away, that  your CO (commanding officer) has ordered the MedEvac helicopters to stop coming in.
You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you're not getting out.
Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again.
As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.
Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter.
You look up to see a Huey coming in. But.. It doesn't seem real because no MedEvac markings are on it.
Captain Ed Freeman is coming in for you.
He's not MedEvac so it's not his job, but he heard the radio call and decided he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway.
Even after the MedEvacs were ordered not to come. He's coming anyway.
And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 3 of you at a time on board.
Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses and safety.
And, he kept coming back !! 13 more times!!
Until all the wounded were out. No one knew until the mission was over that the Captain had been hit 4 times in the legs and left arm.
He took 29 of you and your buddies out that day. Some would not have made it without the Captain and his Huey.

Medal of Honor Recipient, Captain Ed Freeman, United States Air Force, died January 15, 2015 at the age of 70, in Boise , Idaho
May God Bless and Rest His Soul.

I bet you didn't hear about this hero's passing, but we've sure seen a whole bunch about the thugs Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin,
The gov. shut down "what difference does it make!!!.)
and the bickering of congress over Health& OBAMA CARE!

Medal of Honor Winner Captain Ed Freeman

Shame on the media !!!

Now... YOU pass this along.
Honor this real hero.

Friday, February 20, 2015

20 Years From Now

Be sure to read the paragraph below in red  . . .

20 years from now, I will be in Heaven, but our children and grandchildren probably won’t be.  This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. 
Joys of Muslim Women
By Nonie Darwish

In the Muslim faith, a Muslim man can marry a child as young as 1 year old, have sexual intimacy with this child, and consummate the marriage by age 9.
The family gets a dowry in exchange for the woman (who becomes his slave) and for the purchase of her private parts to use her as a toy.

Even though a woman is abused she cannot obtain a divorce.
To prove rape, the woman must have (4) male witnesses.
Often after a woman has been raped, she is returned to her family and the family must return the dowry.  The family has the right to execute her (an honor killing) to restore the honor of the family.  A husband can beat his wife 'at will' and he does not have to say why he has beaten her.

Husbands are permitted to have four wives and a temporary wife for an hour (a prostitute) at their discretion.

Shariah Muslim law controls the public as well as the private life of the woman.

In the Western World (Canada, Australia, the United States, and Britain), Muslim men are starting to demand Shariah Law so the wife cannot obtain a divorce and he can have full and complete control of her.  It is amazing and alarming how many of our sisters and daughters attending American, Canadian, and British Universities are now marrying Muslim men and submitting themselves and their children unwittingly to Shariah law.

By passing this on, enlightened Canadian, Australian, American, and British women may avoid becoming slaves under Shariah Law. “Ripping the West in two”. Author and lecturer Nonie Darwish says the goal of radical Islamists is to impose Shariah law on the world, ripping Western law and liberty in two.

She recently authored the book, “Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law”.  Darwish was born in Cairo and spent her childhood in Egypt and Gaza before immigrating to America in 1978, when she was eight years old.  Her father died while leading covert attacks on Israel.  He was a high-ranking Egyptian military officer stationed with his family in Gaza.

When he died, he was considered a "Shahid", a martyr for jihad.  His posthumous status earned Nonie and her family an elevated position in Muslim society.  But Darwish developed a skeptical eye at an early age.  She questioned her own Muslim culture and upbringing.  She converted to Christianity after hearing a Christian preacher on television.

In her latest book, Darwish warns about creeping shariah law - what it is, what it means, and how it is manifested in Islamic countries. For the West, she says radical Islamists are working to impose sharia law on the world.  If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed.  Westerners generally assume all religions encourage a respect for the dignity of each individual.  Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed.

Peace and prosperity for one's children is not as important as insuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually in the world.

While Westerners tend to think that all religions encourage some form of the golden rule, Shariah teaches two systems of ethics - one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims.  Building on tribal practices of the seventh century, Shariah encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and subjugate others.

While Westerners tend to think in terms of religious people developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God, Shariah advocates executing people who ask difficult questions that could be interpreted as criticism

It's hard to imagine, that in this day and age, Islamic scholars agree that those who criticize Islam or choose to stop being Muslim should be executed.  Sadly, while talk of an Islamic reformation is common and even assumed by many in the West, such murmurings in the Middle East are silenced through intimidation.

While Westerners are accustomed to an increase in religious tolerance over time, Darwish explains how petro dollars are used to grow an extremely intolerant form of political Islam in her native Egypt and elsewhere.

(In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in Canada, Australia, the U.S., and Britain to elect the heads of Government by themselves!  Rest assured they will do so.  You can look at how they have taken over several towns in the USA.  Dearborn Michigan is one and there are others....( Britain has several cities now totally controlled by Muslims)

I think everyone in Canada, Australia, the U.S. and Great Britain Should be required to read this, but with the ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on!

It is too bad that so many are disillusioned with life and Christianity to accept Muslims as peaceful.  Some may be but they have an army that is willing to shed blood in the name of Islam.  The peaceful support the warriors with their finances and own kind of patriotism to their religion.  While Canada, Australia, the U.S.A. and Britain are getting rid of Christianity from all public sites and erasing God from the lives of children the Muslims are planning a great jihad on North America, Australia and Britain ......

This is your chance to make a difference...!  Pass it on to your email list, or at least those you think will listen.

Some of those I'm sending it to WILL NOT!  Put your head back under the covers AND DO NOTHING!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The 7 P's

At the beginning of Dante's Purgatorio, the Pilgrim discovers seven Ps scratched across his brow ─ one for each of the seven deadly sins (peccati). Through his laborious climb up the seven-storied mountain, one by one, the P's are wiped away. It is the image of a soul saved, but still struggling free of sin's sevenfold lack of love. 

     Lent charts us on a laborious course up a similar Mount Purgatory. And at the base today we too find our faces begrimed. Our ashes make public confession that we stand stained by our wicked deeds. We have earned the dusty death wage of sin. Yet, like the guilty Cain, who received a mysterious mark from the hand of the Lord, this sign we wear is also God's seal of protection (cf. Gn 4:15). We are branded today with the sign of the cross, as sheep of the Lord's own pasture, so that the devil (who would make on us his own mark of the beast) will know to keep his thieving hands off. The sign of the death due for our sins thus becomes the emblem of hope ─ if we believe in the cross and repent in dust and ashes. Ezekiel foresaw this mystery in vision when he saw the saved, who grieve over the sins of Jerusalem, having an X written upon their brow (Ez 9:4).

Reflection based on Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

  Father Anthony Giambrone, O.P.

A Woman Of No Integrity
If she can nap during the State of the Union, it shouldn't surprise us when people wonder if Ruth Bader Ginsburg is asleep on the job! Late last week, the 22-year Supreme Court Justice stunned everyone by commenting on same-sex "marriage" -- just months before the Court is set to decide it. In an interview with Bloomberg, Ginsburg was surprisingly open about her feelings on the issue, crossing an ethical line that raises new questions about the justice's impartiality.
For any judge -- let alone one on the country's highest court -- to speak publicly about a pending case is an indiscretion that shocked people on both sides of the debate. Fox News's Brit Hume tweeted out his displeasure: "Justice Ginsburg sounds off on an issue pending before the Supreme Court. Amazing impropriety." The liberal justice, who had nothing but praise for President Obama, insists that America would come around to the Court's redefinition of marriage if it did indeed sweep aside every state's marriage amendment in a ruling this summer.
"The change in people's attitudes on that issue has been enormous," she said in an interview with Bloomberg. "In recent years, people have said, 'This is the way I am.' And others looked around, and we discovered it's our next-door neighbor -- we're very fond of them... (T)he rest of us recognized that they are one of us." It would not "take a large adjustment," she claimed, for the country to accept the Court's radical rewrite of nature's laws. Before long, she believes, voters would understand having their laws trampled and their state sovereignty attacked.

Not only is Ginsburg mistaken, she's amazingly indiscreet in flouting what is obviously a premeditated vote on an issue still hotly debated in every corner of America. She and fellow Justice Elana Kagan were already on thin ice where objectivity is concerned, having both presided over same-sex "weddings." Now, with these latest revelations, the fa??ade of fairness is crumbling.

The only answer, many believe, is for Justice Ginsburg to recuse herself from a trial she has already swayed. A growing chorus of Americans is calling for the justice to do the right thing and step aside. From Washington, D.C. to states like Alabama, voters demanded an end to the courts' open activism. Brian Brown, head of the National Organization for Marriage, was one of several leaders asking that Ginsburg "comply with federal law and disqualify herself as she is required to do. If she refuses, we will ask Congress to act."

The controversy seems to have snapped Ginsburg back into line --at least temporarily. When asked a couple of days ago about the case, she replied, "I don't want to talk about what you describe as gay rights," she said. "I don't want to suggest how the court will decide that case, one way or another." Unfortunately for her -- and for America -- the damage has already been done.

10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage Is Harmful

And we can expect that at least 5 judges of the Supreme Court will ignore this.

10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage Is Harmful And Must Be Opposed

1.    It’s NOT marriage.
2.    It violates Natural Law.
3.    It always denies the child either a father or mother.
4.    It validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle of sodomy and its diseases.
5.    It turns a moral wrong into a civil right
6.    Homosexual unions are 100% sterile.
7.    It defeats the state’s purpose of benefitting marriage for the sake of children and the future society.
8.    It imposes immorality on society and government will coerce citizens to betray their religious beliefs.
9.    It expands the sexual revolution to include polygamy, polyandry, incest, and bestiality.
10.  It offends God who created them male and female saying “be fruitful and multiply.”

Civil society’s goal should be to defend the sacred institution of marriage and family and to protect the treasures of Christian civilization.

Primary Purpose of Traditional Marriage: raise children in a moral and stable atmosphere
Primary Purpose of Homosexual Union:  Personal gratification of two individuals