Monday, July 1, 2013

You Cowardly Chauvinistic Americans: Open Your Borders

Immigration and the Next America
by Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles
Migrant Committee of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)

The archbishop writes:

Fears about America’s future have given rise to a new nativism.

Their idea is that 'real' Americans descend from white Europeans and that our culture is based on the individualism, work ethic, and rule of law that we inherited from our Anglo-Protestant forebears.

We must acknowledge that there have been times in our history when we have allowed our fears to drag us down.

Immigration debate has a “persistent undertone” of “fear and … chauvinism.”

America is focusing on “justice and law” to the exclusion of “compassion and common sense.”

A root cause of the immigration problem, the archbishop said, is economic inequality, and that the situation will not change until inequality across the Americas is addressed.

“the arguments of today’s nativists aren’t much different than those of nativists in years gone by.”

Migration is a natural right.

“governments must be careful not to use their policies as an excuse to deny decent people the right to seek their livelihood,” nor “deny the natural human right to immigration out of exaggerated fears for national security or selfish concerns about threats to domestic jobs or standards of living,” 

In summary: 
You cowardly chauvinistic Americans who believe in individualism, work ethic, and rule of law are causing us to lose our soul.

Note to Archbishop Gomez:
Try selling your book in Mexico and see what the Mexican government has to say about applying your recommendations in Mexico.

Note to Archbishop Gomez:
Yes, I am afraid. Afraid of over-burdened social support systems, millions of new anchor babies, unregulated and dangerous Mexican truckers, infiltration of violent drug cartels, radically altered voting demographics, millions of unvaccinated children, Canadian-like duel language society, and millions of unassimilated people.

Note to the US Government:

Here’s an idea for Comprehensive Immigration Reform:  Let’s just copy Mexico’s very stringent law-and-order regulations for immigrants.

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